Every two minutes we take as many photos that were taken in
all the 1800’s. Over 140 billion that’s
billion with a B photos are now stored on facebook, if the old saying is true
that is equal to a lot of words. Most of
us have a camera with us at all times, wondering what I am talking about check
your phone. We are becoming chronic over
sharers, this is why I quit following twitter, I don’t need to know that you
are brushing your teeth, getting to work, or eating a salad somewhere, if you
were eating bugs or some weird thing, then maybe I would want to know, but why
is it that we feel the need to post every little meaningless thing in our lives
to social media? I mean does anyone care? Also we feel the need to be connected, do you
really need to carry on a phone conversation with anyone while you are in line
at the grocery store? Here is something
new hang up the damn phone and talk to the person in front or behind you in
line, just smile and say hi. Your hello
may make that persons day. Could you go
a day with out being plugged in? From
tv, to phone, to internet could you do a day, two, a week? I go lots of weekends without checking
emails, on the computer, but feel naked with out my phone.
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