Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daily Dose of BS February 8

I am set on auto mode in the morning.  I have my alarm set.  I listen to a bit of news, and then get out of bed; I never hit the snooze button.  I have my mornings set to a specific time.  I go from bed to letting out the dog, to checking my emails and playing a game of farkle on facebook.  Next I take care of the 3 S’s, get my lunch, and a cup of coffee ready.  While the cup of coffee is brewing I put in my hearing aids.  I am set on autopilot.  This morning I put the water in the Kerig coffee maker set the mug next to maker and when the last bit of water was pumped through the Kerig I went to get my coffee, guess what I forgot to put the mug under the maker.  The good thing is that the catcher of extra spills under the maker is big enough for an entire cup of hot coffee, so I only had to dump the drawer, lucky.  If that is that is the only thing that goes wrong today then it is going to be a good day.

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