Let the donning of the masks begin. Today is Halloween and a day that maybe we show the world who we really are. Have you ever given that any thought? Instead of putting on the masks the are meant to entertain, or scare and just be you. Take off the mask that you put on every morning and be the person you are, it isn’t easy but after a while you will get used to it, and others around you will as well. I truly try to be me, the same me whether it is around my family, my friends, my coworkers or myself, the Bob you see is the Bob you get. Be proud of the person you have become, and if you aren’t then change, become the person you want to be. A quick thought about Halloween, and I am guilty of it also, ever thought that with Halloween we go against everything we teach our kids, don’t beg, don’t talk to strangers and don’t take candy from strangers. Hmmm. Happy Halloween.
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