Monday, October 30, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Oct 30 opioid

There was an interesting story in the La Crosse Tribune yesterday about the opioid crisis not being the first drug crisis in our history.  I remember the crack problems we had in the 80’s and the Nancy Reagan just say no campaign, followed by this is your brain and this is your brain on drugs egg commercial.  I wonder how many people had the craving for a good omelet after those commercials.  I really wonder what it is going to take to get our kids and our coworkers off drugs.  More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year, and I bet we are going to be close to those numbers again this year.  And these numbers don’t include the numbers of people who were given Narcan to bring them back from an overdose.  This truly is an epidemic and I really don’t see an end to it.  We are also still fighting the battle of tobacco and alcohol.  However, I have noticed less people smoking cigarettes there are still a lot of people smoking and drinking, well I live in La Crosse and I like to have a few beers, as do most of my friends.  I guess moderation in the key.  Thoughts? 

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