I am not the most organized person in the world but I am not worst ever either. I read this morning that 20% of us have a room that can’t be used because of clutter or junk. You know how they say that opposites attract. Well my wife and I are the ying and the yang of clutter. I have clutter and it doesn’t bother me, my wife on the other hand gets really bothered over clutter. If I am tasked with uncluttering a room or the garage, I spend hours in that space, looking at everything, thinking about the story of where it came from and why it was there. I get sweaty and anxious when tasked with that type of a job. Weird how some can do it and some cannot. Don’t get me wrong I know where my stuff is, it just may take me a minute to move this over to there and that to here, and well you get the point. My space is clean just not that organized. How about you?
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