Friday, November 30, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 30 Supertramp Give a Little Bit

Supertramp had it right with their song "Give a Little bit" back in the 70’s although they were singing about love, it applies to so many other things like your resources, think about it, the lyrics continue to say “give a little bit of your time to me” and at this time of year there are lots of needs out there from the need of Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army, to non-perishable food items for the many food pantries, to the La Crosse Jaycees Toys for Tots,  to the needs of your neighbors and your church.  Kind of weird that a song from the 70’s gives so much, back to more lyrics “now’s the time we need to share” from reaching into your pocket for change to the time shared to help a child, to holding a door for a stranger at the mall.  I think we get out of life what we give, so “send a smile and show you care.”

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 29 the big disappointment

I did not buy into the big disappointment.  Did you?  The lottery drawing was last night and I did not buy a ticket so I am plus 2 dollars this morning.  I call it the big disappointment because I know if I won the whole 500 million I would be bombarded with calls and requests from every person with their hand out.  Not only that but think if you won the million dollar prize like 58 people did last night, they picked the right numbers minus the power ball number, and let’s say you were trying to decide to pick this number or that one, and you chose wrong, so instead of 500 million you only won a million, I am telling you it’s the big disappointment.  I was given a ticket by a random stranger at the bar down by my cabin with the words live the dream, and as I said I do not buy tickets but I did dream about the multi-million dollar prize when I slept that night only to be disappointed when I found out I didn’t even get a single number.  If you got a ticket or a handful of tickets, are you sad that you didn’t win?  Like I said the lottery to me is the big disappointment.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 28 seeing red

I got new glasses yesterday, it takes a while to get used to the way they fit and how you don’t have to squint to see anymore.  The reason I mention this is that if you see me later today you may notice the different look, you may also notice that my right eye is a bit blood shot at least as I write this it is, weird cause I used the kids body wash to shave my head this morning and some of the soap got in my eye, I thought it was kids stuff, you know no tears, I didn’t cry so I guess it was technically no tears.  I did see red on Monday though as I had to drive down to the family cabin to get my sons I-pod touch that he thought he dropped out of his pocket while getting in to the car on Sunday, it was where he thought it was, we checked the deer cams and had 3 different deer on the cameras, nice.  The reason I saw red was on the drive home I passed a car going just under the speed limit and as I passed him I glanced over at the car to notice that the driver had his IQ showing, flipping me the bird, for what passing?  Give me a break, it wasn’t as if I pulled out in front of him only to turn on the next road.  Needless to say I saw red and wanted to pull over to see what his deal was, I didn’t but it took will power.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

12 Surprising Signs You Could Be an Entrepreneur

Daily Dose of BS Nov 27 Rotary Lights

The Rotary lights this year are awesome; thousands of hours go in to setting up and running such a well-oiled machine.  Yesterday I spent a few hours down at Riverside Park, and I gotta tell you every year it is better than the year before, over 2.6 million lights shining and twinkling with the back drop of the mighty Mississippi.  If you are one of my friends who have never had the chance to see these lights, please come and visit La Crosse because you will not be let down.  I found out this year that 11 other Community Lighting displays began because of the gorgeous lights at Riverside Park.  One of the new things this year at the Rotary Lights display is the new Santa House, and after playing the big guy last night, anyone who goes and visits will not be disappointed, you get a full look of the beauty of the park, you get the sights and the sounds, plus you are out of the cold and wind, and next year a toy/gift shop will be housed in the same space.   Put the Ho-ho-ho back in the Holidays and do yourself a favor, visit the Rotary Lights, and don’t forget to bring a few non-perishable food items to help the Hunger Task Force.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 26 Black Friday now cyber Monday

Black Friday has come and gone, I have been hearing over the weekend that this is not necessary the best time to buy, in fact one of the worst?  If you are looking for a specific item and it is on sale and the only extra cost to you is your time, isn’t it worth it?  I got up at 5:15 on Friday morning headed to Farm and Fleet and bought a trail cam and a pair of boots for half the cost of normal price.  I got to the store at 5:58, doors opened while I was walking up to the doors, they opened and the rats were scurrying to their predetermined  destinations, I mean they ran, I was glad I am a big boy, my son and I leisurely walked back to the hunting area, picked up the trail cams, walked over to the boot area tried on a pair put them in my cart walked by some super inexpensive toilet paper picked it up since I was going to close down the cabin and thought I could use it down there.  Bought only on my list and the super blowout toilet paper stood in line to buy was back in my car headed out the parking lot at 6:08 not too bad 10 minutes on the busiest shopping day of the year.  I talked to some friends that work retail over the weekend and the 8p opening on Thanksgiving cut in to the early morning shoppers.  Today more buying with cyber Monday, 1.5 billion expected to be spent today, is it all for Christmas gifts you think or is it for personal use?  Btw should I keep writing these longer posts?  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 20 - Thanksgiving part 2

Thanksgiving week continues part two of thanks, brings me to the great area that we live in, I am a firm believer of if you don’t love something, do something about it.  Why live in an area that you don’t find beautiful, safe and worth exploring, too many people complain about where they live, don’t like it move.  I have lived around the Midwest, and visited most of the rest of the country, for me the upper Midwest is where I like living, and in La Crosse Wisconsin I am at home.  I am also thankful for my health, even though I have a couple of issues with my hearing and eyes (I think that most of us get to be glasses wearers at some point in our lives.), for the most part this big man is in pretty good shape, I guess that round is a shape right?  We are lucky to have such great health care right here in our backyard.  Education is a high priority and we are lucky to have access to great public and private education here without having to bus our kids for hours, plus the three higher learning facilities, bringing in great minds from all over, experiencing the beauty of the area.  Having a roof over my head, transportation and food on the table round off today, we all have many things to be thankful for, what are yours?  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 19 Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, there are no expectations, there is good food, football, friends and family.  This week I would like to focus on things that I am thankful for as often here I point out things that I am not too fond of.    I first and foremost am thankful and proud of my family, they are the people who put up with me at my worst, because they are truly the ones that see the good, the bad and the ugly.  For my family thank you and I love you.  My friends are next on the list for many of the same reasons, we may hold back a bit around them, but they pretty much know who you are and what you stand for, these are people with a choice, they choose to be with you, where your family is kind of stuck, friends are the people who choose to hang out with us, so thank you for putting up with my BS and for being a friend, it means so much.  My neighbors are next on the list, when you move into a new neighborhood you really have no idea what you are getting into, from the old man across the street to the couple and their kids next door, to my single neighbor down the street, to my buddy across the alley I wouldn’t trade who live by me for the world, neighbors take care of where we live, look after each other, and take pride in where they live.  And finally I thank my listeners you have a choice, and you choose to give me a moment of your life, a chance to share a story or a laugh.  Happy Thanksgiving week.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 16 Gun deer hunt

This weekend is the opening weekend for gun deer season in Wisconsin, you will see blaze orange if you drive by any woods, fields or go by any restaurant or bar.  In Wisconsin the deer season is a right of passage, a bonding experience if you will.  You will not find a better and more fun group of guys than the guys that I share my hunting experiences with, and within the past 5 plus years my sons have began joining us and experiencing the joys of getting together and bonding with friends.  If you are lucky enough to have the camaraderie of a hunting group you know what I am talking about.  I never hunted when I was a kid, my Dad didn’t hunt and my Mom didn’t grow up in a hunting family so I never had the chance.  I love the chance to get together with my friends, tell lies, eat lots and play cards, oh yea we get into the woods too.  If you are out in the next 9 days be safe, and remember tab-k the rules of gun safety, Treat every gun as it was loaded, Always control your muzzle direction, Be certain of target and Keep finger out of guard and safety on.  Be safe, have fun and here’s to a successful and adventures filled hunt.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hi I'm Bob Schmidt

Think that radio people say their names too much?
The answer

Daily Dose of BS Nov 15 Twins and smokeout

Last night I said to both my twins that tomorrow is the Great American Smoke out and you should give up smoking for your birthday.  They both told me Dad I don’t smoke and I never will.  I responded that’s great please don’t ever start.  I was a smoker on and off for much of my teen years and into my 20’s and 30’s, I quit on my 39th birthday which was 1,905 days ago, it was the best present I could have ever given myself.  In the 5 plus years since I quit I have been lots more active and feel so much better.  The weird thing about having twins is when I met Marcia she said that she wanted four kids and twins, she got what she wanted, I always said that I wanted to retire at 50 we will see if that will happen, I kinda doubt if it ever will happen.  When my twins were born I was scared, excited and full of love, now that they are turning 11 today I am scared, excited and full of love, it’s funny how the more things change the more they stay the same.  You would also think that two kids that spent 9 months together in the womb that they would be alike, that my friends is not the case, oh ye they are not identical, ones a handsome boy and the other a beautiful girl.  So to my twins, Happy Birthday and to those of you who are giving up smoking for the Great American Smoke out, good luck and congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier life. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 14 - 37 days

37 days, a little more than a month, remember the last 37 days of school, the anticipation, of what is in store for us, the fear of the unknown, the excitement of something new, the wonderment of what was up next.  37 days till your wedding, how about when you started off your work life and your first vacation was straight ahead, or 37 days till you became a parent for the first time, the second time, the third and fourth times, 37 days.  Are we going to get all that we had wanted to get accomplished in our lives?  If you knew you had an expiration date would you change your life?  The Mayan calendar has the world ending in 37 days on December 21, 2012.  Ever given any thought that they may be right?  If you believe in the Mayan Calendar are you going to Christmas shop, if you do would that make you a hypocrite?  If we truly are headed for the end of the world, we haven’t really publicized it as it should have been, it could have been like the Crazy Larry tv commercials from the 80’s we’re not crazy just 37 days left for you to enjoy this new car, no payments until next year, heck we won't even make it to next year, buy, buy, buy.  It’s too bad that the world ends on a Friday, it would have made it lots better if we could have at least enjoyed the weekend.  What are you doing different for the next 37 days?  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Romney logo on face....

Daily Dose of BS Nov 13 Secede from country

Not happy with the election from last week?  Why-not secede from the United States?  There are a handful of states that are looking to secede from the United States in the wake of the election last week.  This is horrible- the ribbon generation wins again, what is that generation you ask, it’s a group of young adults that got a ribbon for everything, they never lost, never kept score, played to a tie.  The ribbon generation, makes sense to me if the kid wants to be the pitcher let him do it.  If she wants to play tackle football let her do it.  Playing soccer, running a race, hockey lets all play to a tie….yeah everybody wins.  If you don’t like who is in office lets secede or have a recall.  I am ok with not liking who is voted in for an office, there have been many times I wasn’t happy with the results but I have never nor will I ever sign a petition to recall someone from office, or to have any of the states to secede from the land of the free.  If you want to move from the country because of who is in charge, fine move, but to break up my United States, shame on you.  We just celebrated Veterans Day are you willing to look into the eyes of someone who was just risking their life for you to be free so that you can sign a petition to secede from this great country, again I say shame on you.  I understand that this is mostly a symbolic gesture, but why feed into this BS?  Don’t like the outcome of this election?  Try harder next time.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Daily Dose of BS- Veterans Day / Snow Fall

I saw it driving in this morning, there is not much but we can now say it is here.  I am glad that I am already at work as today as if we get any that sticks around, we will have many people acting like they have never seen it, never been in it, never driven in it, you know I am talking about the first snow fall, while the snow that I saw was like diamonds shimmering in the light of my headlights, with no accumulation, thank goodness.  With the rain from yesterday and the rapid cool down last night, I had a slippery deck this morning, I am glad that my oldest warned of it last night, not that I wouldn’t have seen it but the out loud mention last night made me aware of it this morning.  Yesterday I was thinking of the veterans in my life from my Grandfather to my Father to my Uncles and brother-in-law to many of my friends’ including many who are active now, thank you for your service to our county, thank you for your sacrifice of time, so that we can be free, and live in this awesome country.   Yesterday was  Armistice Day (which overlaps with Remembrance Day and Veterans Day) is celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the end of World War One on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” , Thank you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 9 - James Bond

I was told I wasn’t a man.  Really not a man, come on.  Here is the reason why, I have never seen a James Bond Movie, the latest in the 007 series is now out and I have never seen a whole James Bond Movie.  I have seen bits and pieces of them, but I have never sat down and watched an entire one of the spy movies.  I don’t see how what movies I have seen make or break a person’s manhood.  I like comedies and well comedies, and only the funny ones like the Naked Gun series and Happy Gilmore, I also really liked Bridesmaids.  While I am admitting it, I watched the first of the Star Wars movies, you know the ones in the 70’s and 80’s but have not seen them since, nor have I seen any of the newer ones, I am not a fan of science fiction.  I feel so much better like a weight lifted off my shoulders, in fact, if there are more of us out there I could see it now.  Hi, I’m Bob and I haven’t seen a James Bond Film. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 8 - Street Painting

Highway 35 opened a few weeks ago and the crew that put it together did a fantastic job, it looks nicer than I expected it to look, from the landscaping to the streetscaping to the cobblestone crossings the highway project looks great.  The one thing I do not get on the project is the painting of the arrows, I understand when there are arrows that point to a destination like a street or perhaps a driveway but arrows that point to nothing that has to do with driving then why put them on the road?  If you look at the road painting north of Traditions Restaurant there are arrows pointing both East and West, if you go West you will run into driveways, which I can understand having the arrows there, if you go North of the Bed and Breakfast on Highway 35 there are no more driveways and the arrows point off to the river, but to get there you have to go down quite an embankment and over the rail road tracks.  I guess I just don’t understand.  I also would think that the street painters would have thought of that.  Speaking of street painters remember about 5 or 6 years ago on Monitor Street behind Menards it looked like an etchasketch drew those street lines.  While I’m bitching about the roads, when did it become ok to put speed bumps on a city street?  There are speed bumps now in Onalaska and on the South Side of La Crosse in front of the Dairyland Power building.  Just so you know you can get air.   

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 7 - Day after election

The 2012 election is done, it was down to the wire, down to a percentage point here and a percentage point there.  Can one person at the top be the difference between day and night?  I do not believe so, I really think that this is why we have more than one branch of government. I personally think that they all have some good ideas, and many, many more bad ones, if politics were cut and dry that if this is up and this is down then maybe just maybe it would be easier to like what they do, and maybe it would be easier for things that are good for us as Americans to get done, a simple yes or no for this and that is better than filling up a bill with two thousand pages of fluff.  We have a day or two of election talk, and a week or so of no political ads then back with both feet to the fire for 2016. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


1. If she looks out of place, she could be there on purpose. She’s savvy enough to know the proper dress code for a dive bar. So if she’s dressed to the nines, she’s probably not there for the beer list. Women go places all the time specifically to meet men. There’s your green light.
2. If she’s drinking red, she could want more action. Italian researchers have found that women who drink 2 glasses of red wine per day crave sex more frequently than women who drink less often. They credit red wine’s polyphenols, which improve blood flow.
3. If she’s wide-eyed, she could be adventurous. Florida State University researchers have found that when women look at men with wide eyes, raised eyebrows, and/or sidelong glances, they usually have higher levels of sexual openness.
4. If she’s sporty, she’s not too concerned about your looks. Meet a cute woman at the weight rack? Don’t worry about being sweaty. Athletic women tend to be less choosy when it comes to a guy’s looks, say Polish researchers.
5. If she seems like an ice queen, she may have been around-the-block. Villanova researchers have found that ladies with cold personalities tend to have more sexual partners. That, psychologists say, is because they aren’t as inclined to form relationships.
– Condensed from

Daily Dose of BS November 5

I’m not a fan of the switching of time, in March and November we have to switch our lives around, albeit an hour, it is an hour of either lost or gained sleep.  That is what they want you to believe, I have never got the extra hour of sleep, I have lost lots of sleep but not gained an hour.  Take last night for example I went to bed at 8:03pm, I was tired my body was telling me it was 9 o’clock so I went up to bed, in my head I knew it was 8 and thought I shouldn’t go to sleep now cause I will not be able to fall asleep, guess what I got what I was thinking.  Last I looked at the clock it was 8:45 I woke at 2:05a then tossed and turned, got up let out the dog, checked emails for the day thought I was ready for the day, about 3:30 back to bed for 30 minutes, I slept hard for that 30 minutes, now I am tired.  There is no reason for us to change the time now because we have lights, what a concept.   We have lights in the home, on the streets, and we live in a 24 hour a day 7 day a week world why do we have to switch our time?  Plus for many of us we are now at work the entire day of sunshine, and kids don’t get to play outside in the daylight.  You could say I dislike intensely, loathe and despise let’s just say I hate the clock change.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 2

Day two of the 5 month long debacle is now done, the nice thing is we are in the grace period, the bad thing is the grace period ends soon.  I am talking about alternate side parking.  I hate it.  I don’t park on the street usually but am selling a vehicle so I need to change sides every day now.  Last year my son started driving and I told him at the beginning of the season that I would pay for one ticket, he made the entire winter without getting a ticket he asked me for the 10 bucks for the ticket after the season ended ( a chip off the old block) I have been told by the city that this is not a fund raiser for them, I don’t think I believe it.  How can it not be, it is for plowing the streets.  I have lived here for 20 years and I don’t recall ever having plowable snow the first part of November.  If it is not a money maker, the question I have is this, are you employing more people now overnights to enforce the no parking rule? Only 150 days to go or four months and 30 days, if you think about it that would only be 75 tickets or 750 dollars to park in front of your house.  Happy parking.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daily Dose of BS November 1

I went to bed last night at 8:59 I noticed the time on my clock next to my bed, I was happy with myself for getting to bed at the right time for a person who gets up at 4.  I was super tired yesterday fighting off not feeling well, with a headache and stomachache.  I woke a couple times during the overnight thinking about what I had going on today, work, the CMNH radioathon, the La Crosse Chamber business expo, I got to bring my kids to the dentist afterschool and a friend of mine will be stopping by later this afternoon to help me sell my van and pick up.  My alarm rang at 4 I listened to the top of the hour news, got ready for work as I always do, headed down to the computer and was checking emails and playing Farkle on facebook when my wife yelled down its quarter to 6.  I gotta be on the air at 6 I live 20 minutes from work, the dirty version of shuckky darn hit me and panic was rolling in.  I grabbed my computer, my jacket and out the door thinking all the way to work don’t speed, don’t speed, don’t speed.  I made it here by 6:04 was on the air as I should have been, but my biggest question is what the hell happened to my alarm clock how did it wake me up at the “right time” but be an hour off?  Am I going to be able to sleep tonight without buying a new alarm clock, my guess is no.  Happy Thursday, I guess the acronym Sure Happy its Thursday is fitting here.