Thursday, November 15, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 15 Twins and smokeout

Last night I said to both my twins that tomorrow is the Great American Smoke out and you should give up smoking for your birthday.  They both told me Dad I don’t smoke and I never will.  I responded that’s great please don’t ever start.  I was a smoker on and off for much of my teen years and into my 20’s and 30’s, I quit on my 39th birthday which was 1,905 days ago, it was the best present I could have ever given myself.  In the 5 plus years since I quit I have been lots more active and feel so much better.  The weird thing about having twins is when I met Marcia she said that she wanted four kids and twins, she got what she wanted, I always said that I wanted to retire at 50 we will see if that will happen, I kinda doubt if it ever will happen.  When my twins were born I was scared, excited and full of love, now that they are turning 11 today I am scared, excited and full of love, it’s funny how the more things change the more they stay the same.  You would also think that two kids that spent 9 months together in the womb that they would be alike, that my friends is not the case, oh ye they are not identical, ones a handsome boy and the other a beautiful girl.  So to my twins, Happy Birthday and to those of you who are giving up smoking for the Great American Smoke out, good luck and congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier life. 

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