Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily Dose of BS November 5

I’m not a fan of the switching of time, in March and November we have to switch our lives around, albeit an hour, it is an hour of either lost or gained sleep.  That is what they want you to believe, I have never got the extra hour of sleep, I have lost lots of sleep but not gained an hour.  Take last night for example I went to bed at 8:03pm, I was tired my body was telling me it was 9 o’clock so I went up to bed, in my head I knew it was 8 and thought I shouldn’t go to sleep now cause I will not be able to fall asleep, guess what I got what I was thinking.  Last I looked at the clock it was 8:45 I woke at 2:05a then tossed and turned, got up let out the dog, checked emails for the day thought I was ready for the day, about 3:30 back to bed for 30 minutes, I slept hard for that 30 minutes, now I am tired.  There is no reason for us to change the time now because we have lights, what a concept.   We have lights in the home, on the streets, and we live in a 24 hour a day 7 day a week world why do we have to switch our time?  Plus for many of us we are now at work the entire day of sunshine, and kids don’t get to play outside in the daylight.  You could say I dislike intensely, loathe and despise let’s just say I hate the clock change.  

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