Tomorrow it will be 28 years of being married to Marcia, 28 years, where did the time go? I have asked people did your life go as you planned? If someone asked me that same question, I would honestly have to say that my life is better than I thought it would be. I have super friends, a great family and a fantastic caring and loving wife that supports all my hairbrained ideas. I always think it is cheesy when people say I married my best friend, sure maybe at the time Marcia was my best friend, but now, not so much. Now she is much more than that, she is a confidant, my rock, my friend. When we were dating we often talked about the future, I think that most people do, we often have grand illusions to what we wanted, places we want to go and things we want to achieve. I want to take my little space here today to thank Marcia for allowing me to spread my wings and fly to where our dreams would take us. As in every relationship we have had our ups and our downs, and I think if we were really keeping track that there have been more ups than downs. I also think that we are more than friends, we are partners. Happy Anniversary Marcia, I love you.
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