Thursday, January 11, 2018

Daily Dose of BS Jan 11 flu

Yesterday I talked to an infection control specialist about the flu, there is an outbreak in 46 of the states.  I got my flu shot back in September and knock on wood, I have had a flu free winter so far.  Sure I have had the sniffles a few times, but for the most part been doing ok.  I have heard both sides of the story about why not to get the shot, but I work in the public and see lots of people and shake lots of hands, and I mean I do shake hands none of that fist bump BS. I also have kids and talk for a living so getting influenza is out of the question for me. Lots of people think if I get the flu shot will get the flu, or you won’t get stomachaches or headaches. Its not the case, the flu shot will help you from getting influenza which is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. It spreads easily and the Flu symptoms usually start quickly. The first symptom of the flu is a fever but can include: Body aches, Chills, Dry cough, Increased breathing symptoms and much more.  Also remember you are not only getting the shot for yourself but to stop the spread of the flu.  To find out more about getting your flu shot give the county health department a call at 608-785-9723 you won’t be sorry.

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