Ever thought about the stuff that you have laying around your home, I mean the stuff that you have laying around that you really don’t need. I look at my office at home and it is the collection spot for things to go and slowly die, the old cellphones that still work but have no use, but are kept just because they may save you from having to buy a new phone when the one you have decided not to work how about all the chargers and the cords that go with those old phones, tablets. Computers, and TVs that are just lying around. I have been pitching these but they seem to multiply every time they are in a dark room by themselves. I opened one of our junk drawers the other day and found two digital cameras there staring up at me and the clothes that line the closets and drawers around our homes would fill a few racks at the stores. I do know of some people who take pride in having clothes from many years ago, an example is my dad who just visited last weekend showing off to my kids that he is still using the shoes he got when he was in the Navy 50 years ago. They look it. Anyway, I guess I am saying it is ok to go through and get rid of some of the stuff in your home. It isn’t worth what you think it is.
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