We are in an interesting time. Google is introducing hardware to go with their popular search engine, Facebook is looking for a bigger piece of the pie and my third favorite site Craigslist is an amazing beast. I get how Google and Facebook make money but when it comes to Craigslist, I wonder what the business model is when it comes to making money on that site. There is no advertising and no charge for listings. What am I missing? I am glad to see this business work because it allows us to upcycle and to have it be new to us yet keeps it out of the land fill. I also have found that people will be willing to pay a bit more for items on craigslist compared to if you were to sell it at a rummage sale. Plus you can look for the bargains you are looking for without leaving your house, and if you are selling - the best part of it all is I have sold most of the items I have tried to sell and even better is you don’t have to have a rummage sale.
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