Most of the water we drink from a bottle is tap water. Kind of makes you think a second on why are we paying a premium for something that we could get for basically free by turning on any tap. I just watched a video on how most of the water is done at plants that take the water in and bottle it up. Some of it has something added to it or filtered but for the most part guess what it is the same thing we get when the tap is on. I guess I am a bit shocked on this as some is way more expensive than others. I guess when I buy cases of water in the summer while the kids play baseball or softball I do it for convenience. I am a big drinker of water about a gallon a day. I like to not be dry I guess. The reason I bring this up is that we need to drink about 2 liters of water a day or about a half-gallon, are you getting that much?
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