Monday, June 27, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 27 toothbrush

Ever had your toothbrush fall into either the garbage or the toilet?  I have.  This morning I went to grab my toothbrush off the ledge where it sits and it slipped right out of my hands I reached for it and it bobbled right into the garbage, needless to say I left it there.  I wonder why when you drop things that about half the time they do what you don’t want them to do meaning I thought please don’t fall into the toilet, it didn’t, but it fell right into the garbage.  Here is a better example, how many times have you dropped something and had it roll behind something or under something or worse yet fell right into a hole and it was lost and not found without some effort.  I hope that your day is filled with finding things that were lost and for things not falling or getting lost. 

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