Thursday, June 2, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 2 last day of school

Is there too much pressure on students these days?  There was another school shooting yesterday this time in California at the UCLA campus.  I get that there is pressure on students to get good grades, but who does it ultimately fall back on?  That’s right the student.  Work harder, get better grades.  I think that it boils down to taking personal responsibility for your actions and reactions.  With that being said, today is the final day of school for local kids, some moving on to new schools in September others moving on to new careers and others just moving on.  I remember the huge dreams that I had as a kid the first few days of summer were spent planning out what great adventures that were going to be out there for me and my friends.  We always had huge plans, we were going to start our own lawn mowing business, and we were going to have fun camping trips, ride our bikes everywhere, and stay up all night.  I am sure we accomplished a few of those goals, but it never worked out quite how you had it planned.  That is ok, life doesn’t always turn out as planned, it turns out how you make it.  Kids, enjoy your summer and parents, let your kids live.  Be safe in all your adventures. 

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