Thursday, February 5, 2015

Daily Dose of BS Feb 5 worries

There are lots of factors when it comes to stress, from home to work and everything in between.  In a survey released earlier this weeks is shows that 72% of adults report feeling stressed about money at least some of the time.  72% really?  I would like to meet the other 28%.  I remember the last presidential election, it was said that there were the 99% of us and then the 1%’ers out there, now we are hearing about the 28%’ers that don’t worry about finances.  I wonder what the 28%’ers worry about?  There are so many things out there that can worry a person, am I doing a good job at work, am I a good parent, have a done this well or that well.  Did I get that homework done correctly, will they like me.  Can I afford it?  There is stress everywhere.  One of the things I noticed is when I have worried about some big life changing decision and the worry that comes with it, most of the time that what I have worried about never materialized. 

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