Thursday, February 26, 2015

Daily Dose of BS Feb 26 right to work

When I moved to La Crosse back in 1992 it was to work at a radio station.  When I was hired they had me sign a three month no compete, and said that even if I didn’t sign it that Wisconsin was or wasn’t a right to work state I don’t remember but I remember that they said that my non-compete it would hold up in court.  I had no idea what Right to Work meant then, and I still have no idea what a Right to Work State means to me now.  I have never been in a union, nor do I ever see myself being in one since I am a middle aged radio personality and don’t see myself moving from this market anytime soon.  From what I understand the proposal in Wisconsin would make it a crime to require private sector workers who aren’t in a union to pay dues.  If it truly is that simple, I don’t get the problem, but I am assuming that since the government is involved that it is much more than just that.  Supporters say it’s about workers freedoms, while detractors say it will hurt businesses and lower wages.  Since I really don’t know, how can wages be lowered or how can it hurt business by making this a right to work state?  

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