Being smart begins with choices. We have all heard the news stories about how
a couple drinks can be good for you and may help your heart but only a
couple. More reports are coming out that
say low-to-moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a reduced risk of heart
attack. It’s not clear if it is all types of alcoholic beverages, cause I my
favorite is an ice cold beer or perhaps a good whiskey it also says that there
is an increased risk of harm when drinking goes from moderate to heavy saying
that having 6 or more drinks in the past 24 hours is associated with a 40%
increased risk of heart attack, isn’t that how most people drink? They binge and average out the couple a day
over a weekend? Whatever the case for
you and your group of friends, be careful this weekend, and be safe, also
remember that buzzed driving is drunk driving.
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 26 right to work
When I moved to La Crosse back in 1992 it was to work at a
radio station. When I was hired they had
me sign a three month no compete, and said that even if I didn’t sign it that
Wisconsin was or wasn’t a right to work state I don’t remember but I remember
that they said that my non-compete it would hold up in court. I had no idea what Right to Work meant then,
and I still have no idea what a Right to Work State means to me now. I have never been in a union, nor do I ever
see myself being in one since I am a middle aged radio personality and don’t see
myself moving from this market anytime soon.
From what I understand the proposal in Wisconsin would make it a crime
to require private sector workers who aren’t in a union to pay dues. If it truly is that simple, I don’t get the
problem, but I am assuming that since the government is involved that it is
much more than just that. Supporters say
it’s about workers freedoms, while detractors say it will hurt businesses and
lower wages. Since I really don’t know,
how can wages be lowered or how can it hurt business by making this a right to
work state?
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 24 cans
I admit it I was wrong.
I was upset and complaining about the garbage cans and recycling that
was forced down our throats about a year ago.
I complained too soon. When the
big 96 gallon garbage can was dropped off and the equally sized recycling bin
was also dropped off I was like right my family of six will fill that up and nothing
will go in that huge recycling bin. Ha I
was wrong and glad I was, I love the system, it cleaned up my alley, the 96 gallons
for trash is plenty in fact I asked my single neighbor if she could get the
bigger cans just so I would have room for excess trash, we have only added to
her recycling bin, we went from just a few recycling items to 96 gallons of
recycled stuff every other week. It
takes a big man to admit it but as I started out, I was wrong.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 23 safety
Does the 1982 Men Without Hats song Safety Dance come to
mind after Al Shabaab calls for an attack on the Mall of America? I am not making light of the fact that the
Mall of America is being called out by name, but I really did start hearing the
beat of that song when I first read about the called for act in Minnesota. I wonder how many people take these threats seriously.
Did the call for violence or terrorism stop
you from going to a mall over the weekend?
I was out by the mall yesterday and it didn’t seem as though in La
Crosse that any less people worked their way to the mall. Do we let threats dictate our lives? I think if we are all vigilant and if we see
something that seems off or odd that we say something and look out for each
other that we will have that much more of a chance of being safe. I hope that we don’t live our lives in fear
over the ranting of one person or another or that we let someone words put a
damper on our lives.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 20 words to live by
We all have words to live by, things that we want to pass on
to our kids. My Dad always used to say
that a moment of laxity can cause an eternity of regret, when I was younger I didn’t
know what that meant, I do now. We all
have those bits of advice that we have heard from mentors, what are some that
you have heard? Some of my favorites
include - Give at least one genuine compliment every day. Take responsibility for what you did. Promise to do better next time … and actually
mean it. Help people without expecting
things in return. And finally try to see the good in people … including
yourself. What are some of the words
that you live by?
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 19 customer service
Customer service is on top of my mind this morning as I had conversation
about it yesterday and heard a national story about how Walmart is at the
bottom of the food chain and has become America’s Most Hated Store. I am taking a class on customer service and
time and time again the store gets called out by students. I don’t think I agree with having the pleasure
of being the worst, but they still have a long way to go to crack the top
ten. I like when I shop at a place and
there are staff members around to answer questions about whatever I am looking
for, and I feel as though not only are the big guys lacking on this but often
times some of the smaller chains have these same issues. We as Americans are always pushing for low
cost items, having customer service, and I mean good customer service costs
money. I think that paying a fair price
for something and getting great customer service is better than paying the rock
bottom price and no customer service.
What are some extremes of service you have received?
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Daily Dose of BS feb 18 stickers
When my kids were young I always loved seeing the bumper
stickers that said inappropriate things.
The questions that followed were always welcome. There was a truck that used to be on the
South Side of La Crosse that had he vinyl lettering that said my other toy has
(begins with t ends with t and has an I in the middle) I remember that
conversation with my kids like it was yesterday. On the internet we see lots of people post
what they think is funny or those who want to make a political statement, in
fact the other day I say someone post the bumper sticker on their facebook page
that said “I work hard because millions on welfare depend on me”. What brought this up as a topic is yesterday when
driving home from work I saw a car ahead of me with pink on the trunk, I drove
up on it to see what the pink tape was for and the owners of the vehicle had written
in bright pink duct tape across the trunk of the car “Walker Sucks”. I also recall seeing a few bigger stickers
with the frequently asked questions monogram lettered on the back of a few
vehicles which is fine until you phonetically say the letters together.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 17 ash trees
I just read that neighborhoods are going to be a changing
April 11, 2015 the landscape along Losey Boulevard will be a bit sparse. The city of La Crosse will be eradicating the
Ash Tree from the fabric of the city. I
am guessing that when we drive down Losey on April 12th we will
notice the clear cutting of the Ash trees from the boulevard. Besides the loss of the trees we will be
viewing the exposed stumps of 117 Ash trees that have been cut down in hopes of
eradicating the Emerald Ash Borer. It
saddens me to think that all these trees will soon be gone from our beautiful
city, and that our lovely canopy of leaves will for a long time be missing from
the city streets.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 16 basketball
I was at a basketball tournament at Central over the
weekend. There are a lot of bad sport
parents in the stands, in fact one of the parents sitting over to the side of
me was screaming and yelling and questioning the refs at every call. I am glad I wasn’t sitting right in front of
him. I wasn’t the only one who was
upset by this guy’s behavior; I also think that his “from the stands” coaching
caused the kids to loose. Which brings
me to my next thought on this, I have mentioned in the past that my kids are
never going to be professional sports stars but they try, and they have fun
playing the game, so when the kids are there at every practice and work hard at
practice and show up to play the game, play the kids. I don’t care if you play the kids for 2
minutes a game, play each of the kids, not just your favorite, how do you
expect these children to get better. It
is a game you know, especially when the kids playing this game are 13 years old,
and it isn’t an A team not by far. All I
can say is I am glad that this season is over and I am guessing that others on
the team are also happy.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 13 triskaidekaphobia
The ever popular Friday the 13th, weird that some
have a fear of it, there is even a word that describes that fear triskaidekaphobia. Try saying that word 5 x fast. Heck try saying it once, it is a
mouthful. I am not sure what causes the
fear of the 13th, the fear of black cats crossing the road, or any
other fears or phobias. I think for me
this year the biggest fear is tomorrow, Valentine’s day. What do you get someone you have been married
to for almost 25 years? Flowers, a card,
chocolates or other candies, I know candy conversation heart, actually to me Valentine’s
Day to me it is a made up holiday in order to sell cards and candy. I know, call me Mr Romantic, 50 shades of
blah, I am going to stimulate the local economy and take my wife out for
dinner, and maybe a movie, if not it’s hot pockets and Netflix. By the way what’s good on Netflix these days?
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Daily Dose of BS feb 12 little league
One of the feel good stories of this past summer has a bad
ending. The Chicago-based Jackie
Robinson West little league team was stripped of their little league world
series, for pushing the boundaries. I
heard lots of grumbling that it’s too bad for the kids, that it doesn’t seem
fair, blah, blah, blah. What the team
did was recruit kids from different neighborhoods, neighborhoods that were
outside the boundaries set up to make the teams fair. Much of the grumbling I have heard is that it
was a great thing for these kids to win, why take it away, it wasn’t their
fault. Really, what about the other
great teams that played by the rules that didn’t make it, how fair was it to
them? If this would have been something
that would have been let go and allowed to go on without being what would that
have showed these young athletes, they may be sad and mad now that the title
got stripped from them, but the right thing was done.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 11 trains
The DNR has given their blessing for another rail line
through LaCrosse. 7.2 acres of wetland
will be filled in for the extra rail track.
With the millions of gallons of gas and other highly flammable and toxic
liquids, and other potentially hazardous materials that will be brought though
our fair city, I think it’s safe to assume that with the added line comes the
added pressure of more trains through LaCrosse.
Are you ok with this? Are the
trains going to be whistle silent when chugging through town, or are we going
to be hearing the whistle blow each and every time that a train passes an
intersection? Is the addition of the new
line going to mean more trains running this line, or will it mean more efficient
use of the tracks and faster trains? I
also wonder if the owners of the rail have trains running close enough to their
own homes to hear the thud, thud, thud, thud each time a train passes?
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 10 beer drinking
In Wisconsin we can take our kids to the bar and buy them a
drink. Now the land of 10,000 lakes want
to offer the same service to their 18-20 year olds. I always thought that the law that allowed a
parent or guardian to take their kids to the bar to enjoy a cocktail was odd,
that is until I had a beer with my son at my favorite watering hole. Being able to drink a beer with your late
teen child is like a rite of passage for them.
My Mom and Dad never allowed me to have a beer with them until I turned
21, I still remember that day, the day of my 21st birthday over 25
years ago having that first legal beer, I was at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater
and my folks took me and my future wife out for dinner and a show, I don’t remember
what show it was, or what I had for dinner but I do remember ordering my first
beer with my parents. I think that all adults
aged 19 and older should be allowed to buy what they want. They can fight in a war, live on their own, be
treated as an adult, be married, do just about anything someone 21 and older
can do, but they can’t go into a bar or legally buy alcohol.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 9 Brian Williams
I know I am going to take some crap for this but if you can’t trust the media, who can you trust? Now, hear me out, I chose a profession where integrity and honesty are key, I chose to work in the media. I have been given crap from everyone from my Dad who loves me to my friends to people I don’t even know about the integrity of the media, calling us a bunch of liars and news fabricators. When someone who is an anchor of one of the networks gets called out as a liar, it gives all the media a black eye. If you are going to tell stories and fabricate things, please get into writing novels or tv shows not tell them as fact on the news. I like Brian Williams, however as a media person, I feel as though he should step down as the anchor of NBC. Don’t be a liar, take personal responsibility for your actions.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 6 vaccinations
Should I or shouldn’t I, that is the question. The debate has been around I am guessing for
many more years than how long I have been a parent, but I never paid attention
to it until I was. Should or should I not
vaccinate my children. We are seeing
more and more opting out of the shots for many different reasons. And I am not sure what those reasons
are. If something is going to protect my
little bundle of joy wouldn’t I as a parent do that? Proponents say it is safe and one of the
greatest health developents of the time, opponents say that a child’s immune
system deals with infections on its own.
What is the right thing to do? I
personally think if I can give my kids an advantage for a healthier life, I am
going to do it.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 5 worries
There are lots of factors when it comes to stress, from home
to work and everything in between. In a
survey released earlier this weeks is shows that 72% of adults report feeling
stressed about money at least some of the time.
72% really? I would like to meet
the other 28%. I remember the last presidential
election, it was said that there were the 99% of us and then the 1%’ers out
there, now we are hearing about the 28%’ers that don’t worry about
finances. I wonder what the 28%’ers
worry about? There are so many things
out there that can worry a person, am I doing a good job at work, am I a good
parent, have a done this well or that well.
Did I get that homework done correctly, will they like me. Can I afford it? There is stress everywhere. One of the things I noticed is when I have
worried about some big life changing decision and the worry that comes with it,
most of the time that what I have worried about never materialized.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 3 budgets
Its budget time, across the county, nationally and budgets
are being turned in for states as well, from what I heard this morning about
new programs makes me think, how is this going to be paid? Ever thought about all these programs that
are in the government need to be paid for by someone or something, guess who
that is, it is us. I have a hard time
keeping to my budget at certain times of the year, and I always want more
things as do most of us, but here is the difference between me and the government
, I save then buy, not buy, then tax, then buy some more and borrow. We need to get these state and federal
budgets taken care of. The burden for
every man, woman and child right now is nearly $56,000. WOW and we are paying interest on that
money. We need to have a balanced budget
and need to have it done soon, we can’t afford to continue this spending. What happens when the bills come due?
Monday, February 2, 2015
Daily Dose of BS Feb 2 super game
I think that the Seahawks now know how the Packers felt a
couple weeks ago. I am sure that the
feeling among fans of Seattle was we got this, only a few seconds left in the
game we are up and had the ball. Time
running down and intercepted all I can say is wow. That was about the most exciting thing in the
game was the final seconds. I wasn’t impressed
with the commercials this year. The excitement
of watching the game for the commercials may have run its course with me. I can honestly say the only one that I really
liked is one that won’t be able to play again, it was the one right before the
big game when the tv signal went away and it ending up being a Chevy commercial. I am guessing the there was a collective yell
across America with the word that rhymes with my last name when that
happened. No wings at the Schmidt house
during or before the game, just nachos and the family tradition of Waffles for
Waffle Sunday. Btw the waffle machine
gets put away now till the next big game, the 50th.
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