Another week another grand jury decision, I think that this
is the reason that police would want to wear a camera while at work. The cops have a job that I would not want to
do, there is no respect from lots of the community at large they are called
names and they are yelled at and they are not respected, but if someone does
you wrong, who is the first people who get called. I don’t get it. These brave men and women take an oath to
uphold the law, and they do, I will admit that there are some bad cops as there
are bad you name it, not every group has everyone good. But for the most part the people I have come
into contact with that carry a gun and a badge are great people. Everywhere we go there are cameras on us,
from stores, to atm’s to walking by people’s houses, to your walk in the woods. We are on camera more than we know. This is why I don’t understand the concern
over cops wearing cameras, they say that storage is the issue; what if when
they bring on cameras on cops that the video is kept for only a month, unless
there is something brought up on a certain piece of video then it is kept indefinitely.
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