Friday, August 15, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Aug 15 credit cards

I feel violated.  I went to my post office box to pick up mail for my business, in the mail was my visa bill, I have my usual charges, internet, phone, domain names, a few business lunches and a charge for Google and Youtube for an advertising campaign.  Huh?  I use Google as everyone does as a free service, I called my Visa company and talked to a nice lady in Florida, it was raining there yesterday.  I got put over to their fraud department, ya gotta love the music on hold in 2014 it was just noise, no song I have ever heard before with interruptions from a poorly recorded voice telling me to fax my info in.  Who has a fax machine anymore didn’t they go the way of the countertop answering machine or the VCR?  When the dispute people finally answered the phone 25 minutes later they were helpful but if they are that busy because of people filing claims of inappropriate charges don’t you think that they would add more operators?   I hope that I get a positive solution on this, and hope that whomever is hacking in and using others credit cards knows what a hassle this is.  My suggestion is to check and double check your billing statements. 

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