Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Aug 14 flat tire

When driving into work this morning I heard a noise that I wasn’t used to hearing.  It was grinding and was coming from the back, I was about a mile from work so I continued on, after all it is dark at 5am.  I pulled into the radio station parking lot walked around the back of my car and low and behold I have a flat tire.  I could have swore and carried on but am not going to let this bother or bring me down.  I used to think why me and wtf, but as I am getting older and looking at all that goes on around me I realize that a flat tire every once in a while puts life into perspective, I mean there are people out there, people in my town that can’t afford a car or can’t put food on the table or make ends meet.  Here I have a flat tire on my way to work, meaning I have a car and a job and place where I call home.  If the tire is the worst problem that I have today I would chalk today up to a fantastic day.  I figure that life is all about perspective and how you perceive your problems and deal with the issues that come up daily is how your life will go.  Embrace the day, as it is a gift.  

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