Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Sept 25 sex

Sex sells. Not the act but the promise of being sexy. Why else would a chainsaw company put out a girly calendar, or would commercials use pretty people. There was an uproar a month ago about little Hannah Montana going over board. Guess what there is nothing real about Hannah Montana, she is Miley Cyrus and she wants to sell records. I get it, be absurd or controversial you will get people to talk about you. Be over the top people will remember you. Remember that guy who liked peanut butter and nanna sandwiches? What about those long hair rockers from Liverpool from the 60’s? They both pushed the buttons with what? Sex. For one gyrating hips, the others long hair and being different. Pushing the buttons and the norms of the time. For Miley Cyrus and the next generation of pop keep pushing. For the rest of us when it is over the top stop looking or reacting, it will go away once there is no waves or anyone talking about it.

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