I am not one of the 1% not now not ever. I don’t think that that kind of money is necessary. Why would one need multi billions of dollars. Money can’t buy happiness, you make your own. With that being said, I don’t understand what the occupy people are doing. What does this grassroots organization hope to do? I hear you, I see you, but I just don’t understand you. I did a search to make sure I understood what the definition of occupy was and I did. Here is how freedictionary.com defined the word occupy.
1-To fill up (time or space)
2-To dwell or reside in
3- To seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest.
Ok you are aptly named, but are you truly representing the 99% of the non-rich. I don’t think so…you can spend your time doing as you like, as long as it is with in the law. But what do you hope to accomplish? To let the 1% see you…guess what they have, and the rest of us have as well. I guess being in the 99% I have a lot to accomplish each and everyday, like to provide for my family and to get things around home and around work, I don’t have time or the resources to be a part of the Occupy movement. Plus I don’t like to be cold. If you are sitting out there, occupying…so be it, I just don’t get it.