Thursday, February 1, 2018

Daily Dose of BS Feb 1 bac .05

There is talk of moving the legal limit for the level of intoxication from .08 to .05.  The National Transportation Safety Board says that with the new lower limit it would save lives, nearly 1,800 lives if every state lowered the Legal blood alcohol content for driving to .05.  The American Beverage Institute calls the report agenda driven science at its worst.  That a 180-pound man having 4 beers over 2 hours would be legally drunk with the new limits.  Utah is poised to become the first in the country to move to the .05 bac, but that won’t be until December 30 of this year, I am guessing that they did that date so that they can pick up a few on New Year’s Eve.  The reason for that they want to move it down to .05 because over 100 countries have already moved to the .05.  But to me that doesn’t make sense, because I was always told not to be a follower but to be a leader and if Jimmy jumped off the bridge it doesn’t mean that you do too.  

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