Do you price shop? Yesterday I needed a battery cable spice kit for replacing a battery in my car, I searched for what the product was then went to buy it. I stopped at the auto store that was on my way home, figuring that the cost was going to be the same or about the same no matter where I went. The cost of that part was 10 dollars higher at the place I stopped first. I quickly got back into my car and drove to the other store to save 10 bucks. Would I have just bought it if it was a buck or two difference, yes but would not have shopped there again, the price difference in between the two made the first place loose that sale and future sales, because I am not going to be stopping by there again. I would think that similar stores, selling similar things would have prices that are similar, wouldn’t you? Do you check prices?
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 27 cows lives matter
Cows lives matter that was the chant in a Madison Festival Foods Store. Protesting the sale of steaks, roasts and burger. The protester was playing guitar chanting loudly “murder” and “cows lives matter”. This is the second time that this group protested this Festival Food Store last time was at Thanksgiving, chanting “turkeys lives matter.” The protesters blocked the isle and wouldn’t let customers make purchases. I am assuming that since the protest was for meat that the protesters are vegetarian? Maybe us carnivores should protest tofu, after all it is made of a bean curd made from mashed soybeans, and soy is actually one of the most commonly genetically modified foods in the world, plus soy bean doesn’t taste good on a grill with an ice cold beer. Seems protestable to me. Back to the whole cows lives matter, I am not sure that was a protest rather than a celebration, think about it without cows we wouldn’t have our delicious hamburgers, steaks, milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and ice cream. I guess cows lives do matter.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 26 21 year olds
I was talking with someone yesterday at Family Fest and we
ended up talking about the school shooting incident in Florida and how there
are far too many of these happening around the country, this guy went on to say
that the best way around this is to make it 21 to do anything. From voting, to drinking, to joining the military
to buying guns to driving a car. I looked
at him like you have a screw loose. I don’t
disagree on some but think that he was off base on others. Let’s look at voting, I don’t agree with that
one as I think that voting age should be lowered to 16 get the kids hooked on
the process. Drinking I think should be
lowered to 19 for beer, and 21 for booze.
To join the military, I think that if a young adult wants to serve their
country that they should be able to once they are an adult. As a parent of 4 kids I can tell you that
driving not only gives the kids freedom but also frees up Mom and Dad, as for
owning guns, I think that certain guns should be able to be bought at 18 and
have no problem with having some be owned at a later age.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 23 human powered vehicle
If you want to drive a hybrid or an electric car, by all means, be my guest, if you want to ride in a bus powered by solar energy go right ahead. If wind-powered transportation is your thing great, human-powered transportation wonderful. But don’t tell me I can’t drive my car. Mayor Tim Kabat has called upon federal and state government to address the climate change by denouncing the EPA’s plan to reverse the clean standards developed by the Obama administration. Calling for automakers and consumers to reduce greenhouse gasses through fuel efficiency standards. I am already driving a fuel-efficient car and don’t feel comfortable in a super small hybrid vehicle and I can’t afford a new one.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 22 teachers armed
According to 60% think that teachers should not be armed. In the state of Wisconsin state attorney general and a couple of legislators think that teachers should be able to pack heat. I saw an infographic the other day saying that we guard the president and government officials with guns, celebrities, and other dignitaries who are looking to be safe. As a father of 4 I think that my most valuable asset is my children, shouldn’t they also be allowed the same protection that heads of state are offered? If the old saying is true that our children are our future, shouldn’t we protect our most valuable assets? On the other hand, I do not feel as though every teacher should be armed, I think there must be training and back ground checks and more training and psych evaluations and more training. But I think that our children’s lives are worth it.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 21 jobs
I heard an interview yesterday morning talking about how Wisconsin is having a hard time finding people to fill all the jobs that are here. I guess we are seeing this first hand in Western Wisconsin, there are many jobs that are going unfilled from starting jobs, for example, Taco Bell, the one on West Avenue has been on and off open over the past few weeks, I have heard because they can’t find anyone to run the place. I know of a few big companies looking to recruit talent, the job boards have jobs listed but there is a shortage of people either willing to jump ship from a job that they like or are unqualified because of made up requirements. I have some friends who work at each of the hospitals and I have heard conversations from them about how many times employers are missing out on great employees that are already in the system because they want to have a certain degree or higher for the job, not considering the experience of the person or the loyalty that they have already shown. What do you suggest that we do to build the talent pool for these businesses?
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 20 icy roads
Its icy in La Crosse and surrounding areas, however every road that I took in to work this morning was already salted as I live about a half a block from the main drag. For me the drive in to work was ok but I am assuming that the side roads are skatable. My walk in to work across the parking lot did take me about as long as my drive in to work today. When the roads are as they are today it is so important to be extra careful, slow down, don’t rush, keep both hands on the wheel, you know all the things that you are supposed to do every day. Also remember that your 4-wheel drive car doesn’t help when you are sliding on ice, you are still sliding on ice. The icy roads didn’t hit La Crosse until much later that forecasted. Would you rather hear of the possibility of bad weather or be surprised by it? For me I appreciated what I heard yesterday, because it put me in the right frame of mind for today. Remember slow down, and pay attention. This isn’t the Olympics we are not in a race to get anywhere today, just make it there safely.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 19 cameras
Ever looked at old family photos, or some real old school pictures of people from the 1800’s? I have often wondered why aren’t the smiling? Why are most old pictures people just flat faced, no smile no cheer in the eyes and just cranky looking. I remember my wedding day 8.3 million photos with the fake smile, I could see not smiling for many of these. Nowadays people have more smiles on their faces, just look around and watch people have conversations, the smiles come more free, and why wouldn’t they, we have much better dental nowadays than they had the past and with the better dental comes better teeth, both whiter and straighter, plus we have access to cameras all the time, I challenge you to go a day outside of your home to not be caught on someone’s camera. I was downtown over the weekend and I know there are a bunch of cameras placed around down there, guess what I didn’t look for them nor did I notice them, but you are damn sure I was walking around with a smile on my face. I gotta keep them wondering what I am up to.
Friday, February 16, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 16 drivers
I think that the universe is messing with me. This morning I felt great, no headache, my back wasn’t sore, my vision was crystal clear. Not that these things bug me often, because they don’t but I noticed them. I felt like hey I feel great. And I still do feel pretty good, however it started right after I backed up and pulled out of my alley, I drove through the first intersection no problem, got to the second one and when I was just about there a lady in a crappy car pulled right out in front of me, I honked and she continued to go slow so I went around here of course she turned into the alley a half a block up. I am sick and tired of people who shouldn’t be driving, driving. I hate the people who drive under the speed limit in the passing lane, if you are going speed limit or below move over. That was the next idiot I encountered this morning. How often does this happen to you? These people should be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic. Please for my sanity and for the sanity of others who have a life, if you are driving under the speed limit or not keeping up with the person in the right lane…… Move over!
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 15 school shootings
Who is to blame for all of these school shootings? I heard an interesting take on it this morning while driving in to work. I heard a security expert say that we are all to blame. Me, you, the kids we all are. With this latest shooting in Florida apparently the guys social media posts had things about hate and wanting to kill cops and wanting to kill a large amount of people. Aren’t the people who saw these posts at least a little responsible for not saying something (and no I am not blaming the victims)? We are not living in the same day and age of when we grew up that it is just “Johnny” blowing off steam, today we need to follow through with these kinds of threats, even if it is nothing, as there is a lot more access to weapons than there was before and a lot less regard to life than there ever was. I really think that if we see something that we need to say something, it doesn’t matter if it is something small or large, if something is out of place or doesn’t seem right say something.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 14 Valentines day
Love is in the air, today is Valentine’s Day. Funny how guys think that this is the one time a year to be romantic, the one time a year to gift flowers, or something special the one time a year - to show our love. Guys, we can be romantic and loving and still be men ya know. There is nothing wrong with going the extra mile anytime of the year to say something nice, drop off a little gift or just let your loved one know you love them - after all a year is 365 days long. For those who are new to this way of thinking, you still have the weekend to get a special valentine treat, but remember you have 364 other days to show your love as well. What is the most romantic gesture you have ever given or received? This year, I am going to stimulate the local economy and take my wife out for dinner, and maybe a movie, if not its frozen pizza and Netflix. By the way what’s good on Netflix these days?
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 13 La Crosse St
The city of La Crosse wants to fix La Crosse Street, scratch that, needs to fix La Crosse Street and is willing to jump. TO do it now. With hopes of getting it paid back from the State of Wisconsin in the future. The state says nope, we are not going to pay that. The reason given is that the DOT leaders cited Wisconsin State Statutes as the reason, which says local roads that carry state highway traffic through cities can receive state aid when the road reaches the end of its life, but there is no statute letting municipalities bill the DOT for repairs made before that time. Do you think that we should go ahead with the repair or should we wait until the state feels it is time to pay up.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 12 tipping
I don’t know if you heard that a waitress from Outback
Steakhouse got fired for complaining about a customer not leaving a tip. When I read the headline, Waitress stiffed a
tip on a $735 takeout order, then fired after she complained on Facebook. I
miss read it as “Waitress stiffed a tip on a $735 order, then fired after she
complained on Facebook” To me those are two different items. If she were stiffed on a $735 order that she
brought to the table that would have sucked, if she got stiffed on a $735 take
out order, then, does she really deserve a tip?
When does the line of doing my job because it is my job change to I am
only doing my job because I am doing it for a tip. My kids work at a full service gas station
and sometimes they get tips for checking air, washing windows, or pumping gas,
most the time they don’t but every once in a while someone give a tip. Do they do their jobs any less or any more
based on if they get a tip, no. They are
doing their jobs because they are doing their jobs. What is that line for tipping or not
tipping? When is doing your job doing
your job? Is our society going to a pay
as you use society?
Friday, February 9, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 9 toll road
What is wrong with the pay as you go method? The toll road conversation has poked up again. And I am not sure how I feel about it. When we drove to DC last summer I borrowed an I Pass from a friend of mine so we wouldn’t have to stop every 15 minutes to wait in line behind the other cars waiting to give money to the man. The I Pass allowed me to keep on truckin, to not stop, slow down or even pay as much for my privilege to travel on that section of road. Would a toll road be that bad? Sure we would pay more for the privilege to drive on certain highways but if the roads were kept up and saved us time, wouldn’t that be worth it?
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 8 record store
As a kid I remember going to Great American Music in Har Mar Mall. You see I used to live 5 houses from the mall in Roseville, Minnesota and I used to save my money and buy a lot of my music there, started as buying albums, then 8 tracks, then cassettes and finally cd’s. As I started working I would buy more and more then when I got into radio I stopped going to the record stores, I quit buying music, I started getting my music from work. Enter digital music services like Spotify, Pandora and Slacker as well as Apple iTunes and you have really no need for hard copies of music anymore. I for one am sorry to see this go away. Reports are out now that Best Buy is going to quit selling CD’s to me this is weird, as I think the last time that I bought a CD I am pretty sure I bought it at a Best Buy. What is your favorite way to get music? For me it is a tossup between listening to the radio and listening to Spotify. And I never thought I would ever like a digital music service.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 7 girl scout cookies
The sugar high began last week with the knocking on doors and sales pitch in hand. I am talking Girl Scout Cookie time. I am like most the rest of America and am enjoying the different flavors of yesteryear with the thin mints and the carmel delights, also enjoying the new smore cookies as well, only thing that they are missing is the gooey mess, but they taste good just the same. I saw a few posts on Facebook the last few days about some consumers are upset that the girls are selling the cookies in front of some of the marijuana dispensaries around the country and doing quite well I might add, one girl sold over 300 boxes sitting outside the shop. Should she have been able to sell them there? I think so, as long as its legal, what are your thoughts?
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 6 gas tax
As a passenger in my own car the other day while my daughter was practicing driving in the snow, I was sipping on some coffee out of my coffee mug, I was on heightened awareness because she is just learning how to drive, the road was clear with no cars coming it was safe to take a swig of coffee. I forgot to look at the road itself, the potholes are atrocious. And I mean bad, sipping on my black coffee ended up with me burning my lip and chin. The roads in the state of Wisconsin are filled with potholes, and the Governor is now saying that a gas tax hike could be on the table. I wish we would have had it as a sliding scale tax of a bit higher when the gas prices were so low last year and have them a bit lower now that our prices are around 260 a gallon. I wondered what our gas taxes in Wisconsin were so I looked them up we pay a federal excise tax of 18.4 cents a gallon, a state excise tax of 30.9 cents and a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Act fee of 2 cents. Would you be willing to pay a bit more at the pump to make the roads better? I would.
Monday, February 5, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 4 yesterdays game
A couple of protests over the weekend in the Twin Cities, other than that, from what I’ve seen - a pretty well-behaved group of football fans. Yesterday marked the 22nd annual Schmidt Family Waffle Bowl, every year since our oldest was born we have had waffles on Super Bowl Sunday. Kind of weird that we do it because it is the only time during the year that we all have waffles. Since none of us really cared about who won the game I think that we were in the game to see the commercials, and as a commercial skipper that was a hard thing to do. Every time that a commercial came on you could feel the tension in the room as the anticipation to skip the commercials was surely there. So, of the handful of commercials that tried, what were your favorites? For me, I really liked the Tide commercials and the one for Dodge that had the Vikings in it when they reached Minneapolis and found out they weren’t playing turned around and headed home. As for the game, I didn’t care who won.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 2 groundhog day
Have you ever had one of those days like in the 1993 movie Ground Hog day? When you wake up and repeat the same boring as hell tasks day after miserable day? I know when I was younger and had other people looking over me, I had days like that, gotta do what the man says. Guess what you don’t need to be stuck in the same remedial job, the same dead-end place the most boring existence, you don’t need to and I will tell you why. You and you alone are in charge of your own destiny; unless of course, you are under 18 then it’s up to your parents. You can get the ball moving in the right direction though. You can not and should not blame others for your failures. Cause guess what it is your decision to do this that or the other thing, quit blaming your spouse, boss, kids, parents, your social standings etc because you can get up and move, take off and never look back or take off and help those in need with a hand up. I have had one good quote in my life and try to live by it every day so that I do not have a groundhog day moment. As I try to live by, "Life is too short to hang out with people you don’t love, work at a job you don’t like, to eat foods you don’t want and to drink s#!ty beer."
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Daily Dose of BS Feb 1 bac .05
There is talk of moving the legal limit for the level of intoxication from .08 to .05. The National Transportation Safety Board says that with the new lower limit it would save lives, nearly 1,800 lives if every state lowered the Legal blood alcohol content for driving to .05. The American Beverage Institute calls the report agenda driven science at its worst. That a 180-pound man having 4 beers over 2 hours would be legally drunk with the new limits. Utah is poised to become the first in the country to move to the .05 bac, but that won’t be until December 30 of this year, I am guessing that they did that date so that they can pick up a few on New Year’s Eve. The reason for that they want to move it down to .05 because over 100 countries have already moved to the .05. But to me that doesn’t make sense, because I was always told not to be a follower but to be a leader and if Jimmy jumped off the bridge it doesn’t mean that you do too.
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