Over the past few days we have been bombarded with people saying how wonderful the new Star Wars movie is, and how so many of our friends and peers have enjoyed the series. I for one don’t get it. I posted yesterday on my Facebook that I won’t be seeing Star Wars, not now not ever. I expected to get a backlash of people calling me names and giving me guff. Instead it was like a holiday miracle, I had a few questions why, one said “You're missing out. Stop living in 77 and remember that was 40 years ago.” I get that it isn’t 1977, but I never got the hype then and I certainly don’t get the hype now. Plus, I am more a TV person than a movie person. I have the chance to watch any movie on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon and I always find myself going back to the good old TV shows. Are you a movie buff? If so what type of movies, and if you watch the Star Wars movies, can you please explain to me what I am missing?
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