What are your thoughts on free speech? Are they that you have the right to say what you want? What if what someone wanted to say or display had words that you didn’t like perhaps they said the N word or the word that rhymes with my last name. Perhaps someone used the Lords name in vain? How about the F word? There is a truck in Texas with the lettering on the back of its window that says “F--- TRUMP AND F--- YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM” would you be ok with that? And honestly I bet that this goes political so just for sake of it not, what if it said “F--- Fill in your any name of a winning candidate here AND F--- YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM” Would that change your thoughts on it? I bet for some it would. There used to be a truck around La Crosse with a big window sticker on it is that said my other toy has tits, (I bet he was a dairy farmer) and believe it or not I was bugged by that one, not only because it was rude but my at the time innocent kids asked me what it meant. So we say we are for freedom of speech but are we really?
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