I think we the technology owns us. My indication light for voice mail at work wasn’t lit this morning and I left myself a message yesterday afternoon. I had messages that were a week old on my machine and didn’t even know that they were there. I was wondering why people weren’t calling me back. Technology you gotta love it. I remember being one of the last of my friends families to get a microwave, and vcr. We used to have to wait for things to warm up and had to watch tv when it was on and movies at the theater, we had to sit in one place to be on the phone since it was in the kitchen and attached to a cord. My have things changed. Could you imagine trying to go back? I would go nuts, I am as guilty as the next guy wanting new and improved things and technology….hell I want my microwave to heat faster and my tivo to play at 2x speed so it won’t take as long to watch a show so I can get on and do something else…like nap because like the computers in your life sometimes I need a re-boot too.
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