What kid doesn’t like candy, more specifically chocolate or mint, and if they don’t like candy maybe some fruit would hit the spot. I think it is funny that the vaping manufactures are saying that there is no way that they are marketing to kids, the flavors I mentioned at the beginning of this are the big vape flavors. The flavors that are not being marketed to kids. The positive side of the story is that Wisconsin kids are turning away from cigarettes but are looking for that nicotine from another source. The study goes on to say that while kids are turning away from smoking there are twice as many middle and high schoolers inhaling e-cigarettes these days. We just had a new company hand book that mentions e-cigarettes in it, that you can’t smoke them in the buildings, and I agree. I have been seeing the e-cigarettes more and more and in the weirdest places, like while walking through the grocery store and in the movie theater. I am now hearing that these are causing cancer similar to regular cigarettes. I wish that the kids that are picking up this habit think about what this habit could lead to.
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