We just bought a new refrigerator, our old one didn’t die, my wife just wanted a new one. You see we had our old one for at least 18 years, maybe more. It still kept cold things cold and frozen things frozen and it lasted through 4 kids. My wife decided that it was time for us to up grade to a new double door with a freezer drawer on the bottom and since we are big water drinkers she wanted water and ice on the door. Well she got what she wanted, it is about 4 inches wider than the old fridge and about 4 inches taller, a cupboard had to be removed but I have to say the new fridge looks nice. Here is the thing when we did our research on the refrigerator we found out that they only last 7-10 years now a days. 7-10 years I have underwear and socks that are older than that. We now live in a throw away society and I am not a fan of that. When was the last time you used a fixit person for anything? Most of the society today is throwaway, from tv’s to beds, to washers and dryers to –the sky is the limit. That is almost everything, the remote control is the one thing when it stops working we go into a panic, we don’t know what to do, we look at it, we push all the buttons, we take off the back, we roll the batteries in the back if that works we are relieved, if not we take the batteries out, switch sides then try again if that doesn’t work we replace the batteries. Thank goodness for batteries right, cause I don’t think I could go back to changing the channel by getting up and going to the tv to do it.
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 29 another day
Another day another headline of multi people hurt at the hands of a lunatic. When did going to somewhere public end up being a threat to your health? I for one am sick of the what seems like weekly attacks here in America and daily attacks on foreign soil. What ever happened to respect and showing signs of respect. We are all different, we all have our beliefs and our moral compass and our own drive. So explain to me why there are so many out there that want to hurt one another? I think if we think and as my Dad used to tell me use your head for something other than to hold up your glasses that the world would be a better place.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 28 recount
Ever been in middle of counting something and then one of your smart alex friends start throwing out other numbers trying to mess you up? I am sure it has happened to you and that you have done it to others. Sometimes it is funny, but sometimes you irritate. Right now green party candidate Jill Stein has raised about 6 million dollars to do a re-count of 3 key states that President Elect Donald Trump has won. What I don’t get is that what is she going to get out of it? Is the re-count in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin going to get Jill Stein elected? Or was this an olive branch placed out by the green party? I look the same way on any re-count or any re-call election. The cards are down, the hand has been played you have your next chance to win at the next election. Here is a novel idea lets try to get along as a country. Is that even possible anymore?
Friday, November 18, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 18 give a little bit
It is kind of funny that a song by Supertramp had it right. Think about it for a moment, with the song
"Give a Little bit" released back in 1977 even though they were
singing about love, it applies to so many other things in our lives like your
resources, think about it, the lyrics continue to say “give a little bit of
your time to me” and at this time of year there are lots of needs out there
from the need of Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army, to non-perishable food
items for the Hunger Task Force, to the La Crosse Jaycees Toys for Tots which
has their toy drive going on today until 6pm at the La Crosse Center, to the needs of your neighbors and your
church. Kind of weird that a song from
the 70’s gives so much, back to more lyrics “now’s the time we need to share”
from reaching into your pocket for change to the time shared to help a child,
to holding a door for a stranger at the mall.
I think we get out of life what we give, so “send a smile and show you
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 17 vaping
What kid doesn’t like candy, more specifically chocolate or mint, and if they don’t like candy maybe some fruit would hit the spot. I think it is funny that the vaping manufactures are saying that there is no way that they are marketing to kids, the flavors I mentioned at the beginning of this are the big vape flavors. The flavors that are not being marketed to kids. The positive side of the story is that Wisconsin kids are turning away from cigarettes but are looking for that nicotine from another source. The study goes on to say that while kids are turning away from smoking there are twice as many middle and high schoolers inhaling e-cigarettes these days. We just had a new company hand book that mentions e-cigarettes in it, that you can’t smoke them in the buildings, and I agree. I have been seeing the e-cigarettes more and more and in the weirdest places, like while walking through the grocery store and in the movie theater. I am now hearing that these are causing cancer similar to regular cigarettes. I wish that the kids that are picking up this habit think about what this habit could lead to.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 16 no regrets
You should live your life with no regrets. If you want to try something but never have, do it, write a bucket list of things you want to do then start on that list. In the back of my mind I have always wanted to try a Maid-Rite and I never did, now that they are closed I am thinking I made a mistake, how did I not try them out. What if I would have tried them and I would have loved them and then I would have told two people who would have told two people and so on and so on. Maybe they would still be in business. I have these feelings of regret when I hear that any store that I wanted to check out closes. I am not sure why I never went to that restaurant I just never did. I for one am going to try to live more and do things on my list. I guess first of all I have to come up with my list. Life is short and we don’t know what is around the next corner, life could be grand today and changed tomorrow. We have the gift of life lets live it.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 15 birthday
15 years ago today I doubled the amount of kids I had. Come to think of it each time we had kids we doubled. From zero to one, one to two, and two to four. Thank goodness we stopped. When Marcia and I started dating she said she wanted 4 kids with twins. Me, I wanted to retire at 50. At least one of us got our wish. Back to the kids, our precious twins were born 15 years ago today, and I couldn’t be more proud of them. They are awesomely different. You would think that 2 that spent the first 9 months of their existence together would have been at least a little alike. Nope, I take that back, they are both hard working, smart and gifted. I am super proud to be their dad, they have taught me so much about myself and challenged me like no others, well like no others besides their brothers. Robert and Kenedi I am blessed to be your father, keep up the great work, and keep pushing each other to be the best. I love you and happy 15th birthday.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 14 Packers
Is it time to call for the helmets and the hats of the top
brass of the Packers? I don’t think
so. We have become so accustom to
winning that when we have an average year we want the tree to be shaken up from
the top down calling for the heads of all involved. I say work harder, put your nose to the
grindstone and work on winning some games but no we don’t need to fire the
coach. We and by we I mean a collective
we always want our teams to win, from when we watch our kids play to our favorite
high school and college but when it comes to our professional team we expect a
win. I look at it like the election that
we just had, that one team will win and one team will lose, you really don’t know
for sure who the winner will be until the last whistle is blown and final score
is posted. We sometimes think we will
know the outcome but as we keep finding out we can only guess.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 11 Veterans Day
My Father and my Grandfather served in the military, many of my good friends served in our military and a few of my friend’s children are currently serving. To all of these men and women, I thank you. You have given us the chance to have the freedoms that we have. If it had not been for the bravery of these fine folks we wouldn’t even be able to have this discussion. We would have our government telling us what we need to believe in, and how to feel. We would be brain washed to think the way they think and our own thoughts and beliefs, our own interests would be what they the government wants, we have the rights to think what we want, to protest what we don’t feel is right and to have my job in the media. If you know a veteran, give a nod, say thanks or buy them a drink. The stories of our veterans are varied, some saw combat, some were behind the scenes, some never returned but all left something behind. On this Veterans Day we honor all those who have made the sacrifices many of us can only imagine, to the families and the veterans out there, thank you.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 10 election
There has been lots of protesting around the country, I have seen people complain on Facebook claiming that if only people would have not gone in to vote for the 3rd party candidate, of even a couple of posts saying if you are going to vote 3rd party don’t go to vote at all. Excuse me? For the lets say 60% of Americans that actually voted, thank you for being a part of the process. I wonder of the thousands of protesters that were out in force last night how many of them voted? I will tell you what I don't get, it is all the negative talk on Facebook about shamming people for voting for a third-party candidate. I didn't vote for a third party candidate but I'll tell you what I wasn't a big fan of either of the two at the top. At least people that voted for a third-party candidate got out and voted! And who's to say that if they voted for one of the top two that they would have voted for your candidate anyway? Right now is an important time in our country, we need to work together and show the rest of the world that we can overcome. When your favorite team loses you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on routing, don’t give up on America. There is always the next election if you weren’t happy with this one. We are a great country, yes we make mistakes. But guess what this is America, we too can pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off... We are the land of the free, the home of the brave. God Bless America!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 9 election
Well It is a new day and the sun is expected to shine at least here in La Crosse. About a quarter the people out there are unhappy with the election results, and are ready to move from the country and want to blame everyone under the sun for the loss, about a quarter of the people are ecstatic and feeling euphoric with the victory and about 50% of us are glad that it is over. I can honestly say I am glad that this is over. I can honestly say that some of my candidates won and some of them lost. I liked candidates on both sides of the ticket. I did not throw away any of my votes, I went in and voted for the person whom I thought was the best candidate for me and what I believe. I am unhappy with some of the results and wish that we would have had better choices at the top but today is here, the election is over. Let’s just enjoy a few months before the next election cycle starts up again.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 8 election day
Ya know it is funny when you are a kid when your parents
tell you that you are going someplace fun the time seems to take forever to get
there, as you get older that time slips right on by. For example, if you were going on a family
vacation the perspective of the child is I can hardly wait for the 2 days
leading up to it while the parent would be I can’t believe that it is
over. My life seems to be like that in
almost every aspect except for this election, this election can not come soon enough,
and even though the day is here, the day will drag on and on and on. Please do your part and vote. I usually try to stay away from political
people on my posts, but who do you hope wins?
Then after asking that how many people who said that they are leaving the
country if their candidate doesn’t win will leave?
Monday, November 7, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 7 tomorrow
Thank goodness tomorrow is the election. I am not sure how much more of the people bashing we can take. I look over the past few months and think that our time could have been used in a more productive manner. What have we learned? We have learned that democrats like to fall in love with a candidate and will fight for that person. We have learned that republicans are no longer going to follow the company line, that they want different. We have learned that the news cycle is a lot shorter than it used to be, we have heard stories from both of the candidates that were the biggest stories then brushed under the rug. We have learned what riles up each of the players, and that they both have tempers. We have learned that the more negative you go the more the news will cover you. Also we picked up that money doesn’t matter, that email sucks and that the system is rigged. We only have one more day to put up with this BS. I for one can not wait. Can you?
Friday, November 4, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 4 time
Parts of Arizona, parts of Indiana, and all of Hawaii have it right…leave the time alone. I very much dislike changing the clocks, I hate that people say you have an extra hour of sleep, and as the sands of time continue and I am getting older, my body doesn’t seem to cooperate with the change as it once did. Here are the 3 main issues that I have with the time change, not only the one scheduled for tomorrow or should I say the one set for 2 am on Sunday but the one in the spring as well. 1- I hate changing my clocks, well La Crosse Technologies has helped with this, however, I finally got my microwave and stove to show the same time, now with the change and they are going to off again. Number 2- you don’t get an extra hour of sleep, I am smart enough to listen to my body when tired I sleep and when my alarm rings I get up, I won’t be getting an extra hour of sleep this weekend, and I am guessing you won’t either. Which brings me to my 3rd issue my body is not as elastic as it once was, I have trained my body the past 6 months or so to go to be at 9:30pm and get up at 4am. Let’s all get together and ban the time change, or have a compromise the next time and switch it by 30 minutes and call it good.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 3 politicians
I have about this much patience...especially since I am getting older, and the political BS is wearing on my last nerve. I don't know about you but sometimes it is the little stupid things that bug me like there is no tomorrow. Like rude people, or people who talk on their phone at a volume 10x what the normal volume would be. It is a piece of equipment with a microphone...microphones amplify sound; you don't need to yell in to the phone. I am also annoyed by the fact that the politicians are further right and further left than most of us Americans. In the group of people that I hang around with there are some democrats and some republicans but for the most part they are pretty close to the middle, there is no far left or far right. These politicians are saying that they are for the people, I want to know which people that they are for? I don't know what it is about getting older and not being as flexible but I am trying but please quit being stupid so we can get along.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 2 lives matter
I am going to start by saying that black lives matter, I agree with that statement, but I also think that all lives matter. Nobody’s life is more important than anyone’s else’s nobody’s. In the past week there was a shooting death of a police officer doing their job in Rusk County here in Wisconsin, and I woke this morning to hear that 2 police officers in the De Moines area were shot and killed in an ambush style execution. I am not sure I understand why there isn’t outward anger over these facts? I feel as though there is a double standard when it comes to protesting of unfortunate killings of anyone. What happened to justice for all, or is it justice for some?
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Nov 1 parking
Well the city of La Crosse didn’t take too much time to start putting warnings on cars. While driving into work this morning I noticed a bunch of cars with a red tinted envelope tucked neatly under the driver’s side windshield washer blade. It makes sense since we are starting off this morning at 57 degrees, and only looking for a high of 67 later today. The annual free for all money grab started at 1am this morning as the yearly alternate side parking debacle begins. At least one of our city council people have our backs Councilman Padesky introduced last year to the council a shorted alternate side parking term, it fell on deaf ears as we still have to same old stupid money grad going on again this year. From today until March 31 we will have to follow the even, odd parking rules, this is even if we don’t have any snow or even any snow in the forecast. I wonder where the parking money even goes?
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