Monday, August 29, 2016

Daily Dose of BS Aug 29 smoking

Today it has been 9 years since I was a regular smoker.  The reason I say since I was a regular smoker, because I had one cigarette about 2 years ago, and it reminded me why I quit, I wish I had all that money back and the health that went with me starting smoking.  I had been a smoker on and off from the time I was in high school till 9 years ago, I quit for 4 and 5 years in there at different times but 9 years ago I decided after my oldest son caught me smoking to give it up for a year.  I gave it to myself for my birthday, it was a one-year contract that I had with myself.  I then continued to give myself that gift.  That time I quit was easy, as I was doing it for my kids and for me.  Don’t get me wrong there were times when I really wanted to light up, especially when faced with stress, but each day it got a bit easier and the cravings less.   I am happy to say that I am giving myself the gift of non-smoking again this year.  If you are a smoker and you want to quit, I know you can do it, if you really want to. 

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