How often do you run into something that is annoying to you? I am guessing daily, because daily I am annoyed by something most of the time it is small things that don’t mean anything. But what I am talking about today is that stuff that makes you cringe, the things that you can’t believe that get done, by adults. For example a few years ago there was a lady cutting her fingernails at church. Not only rude but gross, it was so disgusting that I am not even sure what she did with the nails, let them fly or she pocketed them. I have seen people cut their fingernails at work too, also unacceptable. Another of the things that bug me is when people don’t treat an item that you loaned to them as their own, most of my friends will, but occasionally someone won’t and that is irritating, also when someone uses the last of something and doesn’t tell you that they did, for example the last of the coffee, milk, or worst of all toilet paper. I hope that your week is full of non-angering events.
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