I don’t carry a lot of cash, I use my credit card and then pay it off, as my parents used to say those that understand interest make it those that don’t pay it. I try and pay things off as the bills come, once in a while it takes an extra month to pay but not too often. The card that I have been using is one where I get points at a specific store, and then end up getting free stuff the more I spend the more I get. Since about last year there has been a chip on the front of the card and if you try swiping it when there is a reader present it doesn’t work and you have to insert the card in the slot and wait, and wait and well you get the drift. How is a chipped card going to help with credit card fraud if everyone isn’t using it and if the old technology is still on the card? And ever wonder how soon the credit card thieves will learn to steal your new information.
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