Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Daily Dose of BS Nov 17 HIV

You know talking about HIV isn’t the most popular thing in the world, but lots of talk on HIV and AIDS will be talked about in the next few days because of Charlie Sheen and his revelation to the world that he is HIV positive.  I wonder if his diagnosis of HIV is what pushed him over the edge while on the show 2 and a half men.  I could see something like that making someone want to drink to forget.  I was growing up in the 80’s when the AIDS virus was first diagnosed and was of the generation that learned that you should always practice safe sex.  The thing that bugs me the most about this is that if Charlie Sheen did in fact have unprotected sex with people after getting diagnosed with HIV and didn’t tell them about it, if that was the case how many unsuspecting people may have the virus that causes AIDS due to his indiscretions, or for that matter anyone who has the diagnosis and doesn’t share their status.  

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