Yesterday was April Fools day, I saw a few online photos,
read a few stories about how Brett Farve was coming back to play for the
Packers but that was about it. I
remember when April Fools day was something more than just a few print
jokes. Oh well times change, I also
recall when I was a kid we never had cable tv, all my buddies did, but the
Schmidt Family did not. That changed
once I got out on my own, I for a while had it all, but never used it. Dropped to basic, had kids got some back and
about a year ago decided to cut the cord all together, at first the kids weren’t
happy but it is funny how things change.
Now they are ok with it having found other things to do with their
time. For me cutting the cord was easy,
the shows I liked were all on the networks.
I bought a few antennas, got Netflix and hooked up PlayOn and PlayLater,
combine the PlayOn and PlayLater with my Tivo and all is well and good at the
Schmidt house. How do you get your tv?
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