Friday, November 21, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Nov 21 the hunt

You can feel the excitement of the people headed to the woods this weekend.   In Wisconsin the official state colors change from Green and Gold to Blaze Orange for the next nine days.  We will be hearing stories about the elusive thirty point buck, and hopefully tales of great sportsmanship and stewardship in the woods and at deer camp.  I go to deer camp for the camaraderie and the fellowship, I grew up in a non-hunting family and didn’t go hunting for the first time until about 20 years ago, since then I have only missed a few deer camps, the funny thing is I don’t hunt.  Two of my three boys do and the third is interested, so he will be spending time in the woods with some of the more experienced hunters.  If you are going to be out in the woods this weekend or at any time in the next 9 days, please be safe, and remember it’s about the memory, make those memories and go back and relive them when needed.  

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