Friday, October 31, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 31 no masks

Today is Halloween and many will don masks, but maybe today we are really showing who we really are.  Have you ever given that any thought?  I am guessing that many will dress up as they really see themselves.  I think what would be better if we took off those masks and be who you are all the time.  It isn’t an easy task, but I believe that it can be done.   I do try to be the same person on air as I am in life, but it has been pointed out that sometimes I too put on that mask.  Being who others want us to be can put a strain on who you are, and who you have become, I think that today we should all enjoy the day being the person that you are with your mask on then next week try to be the person you are without that mask, live life who you are and have no worries.  Be proud of the person that you have become, and if you are not happy with that person, work on changing yourself to be the person you want to become.  Happy Halloween 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 30 faith restored

Ever misplaced money?  I went to the post office yesterday to pick up my mail for my business and ended up with a bunch of junk mail and a couple of checks.  I had to go up to the postal desk to ask a question about my home delivery and while waiting in line opened the checks and put them into my pocket, the same pocket as my keys.   Asked my question, headed to my car, unlocked the door and drove home.  After I let the dog out I noticed that my checks weren’t in my pocket, the fear of what happened to my money went through my head, I looked in the car, rechecked my pockets, checked my pockets again, checked the car, got back into the car and drove back to the post office with panic rushing through my veins, got on my hands and knees and looked around where I parked and found one of the envelopes now the panic really sets in, head back into the post office stood in line, and it couldn’t move fast enough, finally got up and asked the question if anyone turned in any envelopes, no one did, a guy Keith in line said yea I found them and was going to return them to the business on the envelope.  Thanks Keith for making my day and making me realize that there is good in the world.  If you know Keith from Dynamic Recycling give him a pat on the back.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 29 scary stuff

Election day is just under a week away.  Last night was a heated debate with the 3rd district candidates Congressman Ron Kind and challenger Tony Kurtz.  There was more interrupting than I have seen at other debates, some finger pointing and raised voices.  I guess that the debate did exactly what it was supposed to do, get some questions answered, and show how your favorite candidate does under pressure.  Besides the Election Day coming up another scary event coming up this week Halloween and this year it is on a Friday.  I am guessing that the local bars will be hopping and there will be lots of scary customs and some sexy ones as well.  Halloween is a whole different beast now than it was back in the day when I put on my Dads old work clothes and my Mom used eye liner to give me a beard, I used to go as a hobo and once in a while as a plain ghost, depending on if we got new sheets or not.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 27 bullying

This is National Bullying Prevention Month but I don’t think it is sinking in.  We are still seeing bullying going on.  When I was a kid they used to say suck it up, sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt me.  I know this is not true, words can and do hurt.  Especially if these words come from someone that you either look up to, or is an authority figure.  Which brings me to the terrible situation that happened in Washington last Friday, why are we seeing on a yearly basis school shootings, kids dying at the hands of other kids?  We need to think this through and put a stop to it, is the cause bullying?  Or is it something bigger than this?  What can we do to make sure that our most precious of people can be safe when away from home?  The first step that we must remember is that words can and do hurt.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 24 cmnh

Day 2 of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals radioathon in La Crosse.  The goal this year is lofty $100,000.  Over One hundred thousand dollars to help families with kids, last year 8,000 local kids were helped by the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital  and every child served has a story of courage and perseverance.  Please dig a bit in your pockets, your seat cushions and piggy banks and help the La Crosse Radio Group reach this goal to help thousands every year.  The phones are manned 6a-6p today and 8a-3p on Saturday.  Help the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals radioathon.  The number to help is 608-781-1477 or toll free 800-853-6889.  100% of your donation goes to help the families.  Please Help!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 23 CMNH

Today marks the start of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals radioathon in La Crosse.  The goal this year is lofty $100,000.  Over One hundred thousand dollars to help families with kids, last year over 8,000 local kids were helped by the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital  and every child served has a story of courage and perseverance.  Please dig a bit in your pockets, your seat cushions and piggy banks and help the La Crosse Radio Group reach this goal to help thousands every year.  The phones are manned 6a-6p today and tomorrow  and 8a-3p on Saturday.  Help the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals radioathon.  The number to help is 608-781-1477 or toll free 800-853-6889

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 22 voting

Last night I was on a panel for a couple of local debates, I asked the question “Early voting started this week, the opportunity to vote is a great privilege, however many don’t vote.  How can we get more people to the polls?” I was corrected that voting is a right, I agree that voting is a right but a right that many refuse to partake in so in my mind it is a privilege.  Be it a right or a privilege there are far too many people who beat the drum of democracy and still refuse to partake in this event.  With presidential elections at about 60% turnout and midterm elections at 40% this is far too many people who take this right seriously.  Please vote on November 4th

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 21 parking

The one thing you hear people complain about most in La Crosse is parking and that will soon be at the top of minds when alternate side parking is implemented next month.  We always have alternate side parking November 1st through April 1st if there is snow or no snow.  I personally dislike this law, and I have in 22 years of living in La Crosse only had 2 tickets for parking on the wrong side of the street.  The city will be talking parking tomorrow at 4 at city hall, not about alternate side parking but about the parking ramps and what the city charges to park in the ramps.  I for one think we have a bargain when it comes to downtown parking.  A couple of free hours of parking then only 75 cents an hour maximum of 6 bucks per day, big city folks would jump at the chance to only pay that little.  Is it perfect, no, but is it doable, yes.   

Monday, October 20, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 20 random act of kindness

On facebook I got invited to participate in Random Act of Kindness day.  I was intrigued so I googled it and found that there are a few of them out there, however since I never heard of it before I am going to participate in the 2nd annual Random Act of Kindness day tomorrow.  October 21st this date was picked to honor the persons Mother and her Mom’s birthday.  So I challenge you to participate in this day tomorrow, and maybe do it a few times per year on dates that are important to you.  The acts don’t have to be big, you could buy coffee for the person behind you in line, or you could hold the door for someone, rake the neighbor’s yard, call and take a friend out for lunch, do something and make the day great.  I am guessing that your random act will not only feel good to the recipient but to you as well.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 17 street crossing

Don’t you hate when the websites that you are a member to doesn’t work, by allowing you to log in?  I went to one this morning to get some quick reading done and it wouldn’t allow me in.  It said wrong user name and password, it can’t be it has worked for a long time and I haven’t changed it this is irritating.  You know what else bugs me is when you are driving down West Avenue by the University and the students cross the street but push the button for the cross walk before they go causing the flow of traffic to stop.  Or when you stop when there are students in the cross walk and you stop to allow them to cross and they don’t give you the wave.  I am not asking for much just a common courtesy of a nod, a smile or quick wave.   

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 16 ebola

Nurse number two now has Ebola and she flew, with a low grade fever.  I think she should be held responsible for the cleanup cost of the plane and for the testing of the people that were around her.  If you knowingly spread disease or virus shouldn’t you be held responsible?   The claims I heard on air said she contacted the CDC about the flight, I wonder who at the CDC approved her flight?  And should they be held responsible for the extra panic that we have all felt also? Also didn’t she fly from Dallas to Cleveland and then back?   I think we should do like other countries and we should shut down travel with countries that have the Ebola virus and focus on eradicating this virus. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 15 roundabouts

I sometimes feel like I am running around chasing my tail, (no I really don’t have a tail) you ever feel like you are as well?  The government is now adding to that feeling, well even more than they usually do.  More and more communities are getting the run around and the turn around with the roundabout.  I don’t mind when they are in a neighborhood since there are no other cars around when you approach plus you can try for the world record of laps in a quiet roundabout, my son drove laps around the one on the south side 16 times before he got bored with it.  I get anxious when I approach them, what if I do it wrong, it stems from when I first approached one in the Dells, I didn’t know what to do I got off too early and ended up having to go out my way to get back on track.  Personally not a fan of the roundabout, I also wonder if they are called roundaboots in Canada?  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 14 pay attention

I am going to put on my preachy Dad hat now.  You know I mention it all the time to pay attention when doing things.  I saw an adult yesterday at my sons football game texting and walking while avoiding puddles walk into a table.  He didn’t fall but come on people pay attention.  This goes for all aspects of life, from driving to walking to what you do on your computer.  I recall when I was a kid my Dad would say to me use your head for something other than to hold your glasses or your hat.  It must have done something for me cause I don’t like to wear hats.  Seriously though I think we need to put away our phones and enjoy what is around us we need to live in the here and now not what could be.  I too am guilty of this, but I can honestly say to this point I have not walked into a table.  Pay attention. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 13 choices

Life is about choices.  We make good and bad choices all the time.  I went to the Ark game on Friday, it’s the game between the two local high schools, this year the Logan Rangers dominated the Central Red Raiders.  The bad choice there was at half time a Central student decided to shed his clothing and go for a job across the football field.  I think the best hit in the game was the coach tackling the kid.  I found out after the game that most of the students knew that this was going to happen, which surprises me that it was able to be pulled off.   As a parent I would be mortified if my kids did something such as this, you know we work our lives to teach our kids right from wrong and when they get the chance they make their own choices.  Speaking of choices, we have our choices to make in a few weeks with the mid-term election, the first of two debates was last Friday night, who do you think won?  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 10 voter id

The US Supreme Court has blocked the State of Wisconsin from requiring the use of photo id to vote.  I waffle on this decision as I used to believe that you should have a photo id to vote but can see how there really weren’t that many people who cheated the system.  I understand that having only one fake vote spoils the whole process, but really requiring a voter id kind of puts a damper on voters anyway.  I look at it this way Election Day is coming up on November 4th.  I bet that most of the people reading this do not even know outside of the Governor’s race who is running and what that person stands for.  I think instead of worrying about if someone has the proper id we should really worry if people have the proper education to make a good choice.  Once we start getting more people who take their job as an American seriously and get out and vote then and maybe then we can worry if there is someone pretending to be someone else, till then lets just work on educating the voters.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 9 flu shot

I am not afraid of getting a shot, or blood drawn.  A couple weeks ago I got the phenomena shot, today I will be getting my flu shot.  Funny when I get a shot or get blood drawn I like to watch, I mention it to whomever is doing the shot as to not make them uncomfortable, about a month ago I was in for my health screening physical for insurance and mentioned it to the lady doing the blood draw she said she doesn’t like to watch but she gets paid pretty well, we both had a laugh.  I wonder what makes people afraid of getting shots?  Out of my four kids only one of my kids hates it, maybe it is a percentage thing.  Do you get a flu shot, why or why not and are you afraid of needles, or dislike shots? 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Daily 8 Dose of BS Oct advertising

Pretty cool to see a lunar eclipse this morning on way to work, my work buddies and I took a few moments out of our days to enjoy it together.  Gas prices are down again 3.26 per gallon, I am glad we never hit the 4 bucks that they were calling for.  All our prices are going up and wages are staying the same, who is making all the money?  I am not.  A restaurant right next door to the radio station closed, the weird thing is that they spent the spring and most of the summer working to get this restaurant open, I wonder how many thousands of dollars they spent?  They were open for less than two months, I guess it goes to show you that you do need to advertise your business.  We come across much advertising in the course of a day, what advertiser stands out to you and what caused that business to be top of mind?  I keep thinking of the old jingles like plop, plop fizz, fizz – or libbys, libbys, libbys on the label, label, label.  Or Wettstein's  wow Wettstein's  now.  What advertiser has done this to you? 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 7 selective service

 Let me start by saying I know I really have no right to talk about equal rights since I am a white middle class, middle aged male, the world was set up for people like me.  But I have been hearing lots of the register for selective service public service announcements on the radio and I also think I have seen a few spots on tv about registering if you are about to be an eighteen year old young man, you know the tag line it’s quick, it’s easy it’s the law.  With all the equal rights things that we as a society have been talking about over the past decade I believe that it shouldn’t only be young men who register, open that up to have young women register as well.  Either do that or do away with it all together.  We haven’t had a draft in my lifetime, and I really don’t see us having one anytime soon.  Don’t take what I am saying as a slam toward the military, or the government because it is not, or a slam on women and women’s rights, because it is not, I am just wondering out loud in a public place if first of all do we need to have 18 year old young men register for the selective service and secondly if needed why not make all 18 year olds register.  

Monday, October 6, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 6 apples and chili

I didn’t even miss my favorite team not playing Sunday football, did you?  lesIt was a cold but great fall weekend.  The last few weekends have brought station promotions with parades and other station events, this weekend no different, there were four events that the 2 stations I am on were involved with helped with, including the Glow in the Deke glow run and walk.  For the 3rd year now my family has participated in this awesome event, and every year more friends and neighbors do it as well.  Yesterday brought a day of family activities including apple picking, we headed to the Shefelbine Orchard for our Honey Crisps this year.  This is our second year in a row going there not only do you get to learn a bit about the apples you get to sample while you pick.  After hitting up the orchard we did some grocery shopping and chili was at the top of the list for what was wanted for dinner, a huge pot of chili was made and I don’t know about you but mine changes every time I make it, there are some constants like meat, beans, tomatoes and brown sugar but after that every time is different.  Do you have a kickin chili recipe? 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 3 football

NFL football should be on Sundays.  I don’t have time to dedicate more than one afternoon a week for football.  With the way life is now there isn’t time, we gotta do this, that and the other thing.  We have deadlines for work and life.  With that being said, I think the NFL should reconsider having games on other than Sundays.  Since I am talking about it now I also think that the games should be played on network tv, over the air, free network television.  Here is why, we as fans are invested in a team, we have our routines, our superstitions etc when watching a game, and when the delivery system changes the outcome of the game can as well.  I bet that Viking fans thought that they were going to march into Lambeau Field last night and beat the Packers, it could have happened if were a Sunday game but peoples mojo was off because it was a Thursday game, after all it isn’t known as any given Thursday, its every given Sunday.  And now what am I supposed to do Sunday afternoon, work?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 2 zoo

I remember the cry for save the monkeys from many years ago.  Now the city of La Crosse has retained the former Myrick Hixon EcoPark and will be calling it Myrick Center.  If you recall 2006 and the grand plans for a new zoo, the monkeys, prairie dogs, bear, and caged deer all got new homes, I think the monkeys got jobs in the government but I am not sure.  I remember the plan was to bring in Wisconsin based animals and that all fell through, then the plan for different parks at the parks, and I am not really sure what happened there.  I do think that the building down at Myrick is a nice building and I hope that the city finds something the will be suitable for that structure to put in down there.  I also hope that the parks can be finished and what the heck since we are wishing, I hope the monkeys come back.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Oct 1 ebola

This is how it starts isn’t it?  This is how the zombie apocalypse starts.  Illnesses and sicknesses from all around the world converge on the United States and we use all our resources to combat them.  Are we on a crash course for doom?  We now have a case of Ebola in the good old USA.  And this isn’t the ordinary run of the mill Ebola that has made its way quickly through Africa, this is the new let’s sit in a body for a few days before presenting itself Ebola, a strain that makes us question even going outside and coming in contact with people.  Of course I jest about it being the zombie apocalypse but how far off from that are we, how close are we to following the path of the dinosaur and becoming extinct?  Could you imagine what the next world humans would be like?  And what they would think about our technology?