Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Daily Dose of BS June 18 gnats

There is a reason they are called bugs, they bug you.  With two of my four kids playing ball this summer and my love of sitting the deck in my back yard, I have been inundated with the pesky little flying gnats.  I have heard from different people about their secret sauce for getting rid of these flying pests but none of the ways have worked for me, I have tried vanilla, a soapy concoction of water, I have sprayed the yard and the deck, I have tried burning citronella candles, and bug spray.  I am out of ideas.  These gnats have spread everywhere they get in your eyes up your nose and in your hair, for me it is my beard.  If anyone has a sure fire way of getting rid of the gnats, or at least how to make them stop bugging you please share.  By the way why is there a silent G in gnat, and gnome, and a phonetically modified ph in phone and psychologist?  I know it’s to bug us. 

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