Thursday, April 4, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 4 excuses

There are a lot of jobs around the house that we hate doing, I for one hate doing dishes, I despise doing dishes.  I did it for a job while I was in high school and hated it then, I did it as a chore when I was a kid and that is where my hate for dishes began.  I got stuck doing them cause I was the oldest kid in the family, my brothers got off easy by either clearing off the table or putting away the dishes.  My kids have it easy and they complain about having to either load or unload the dishes.  Wow.  My parents used to always say that excuses are like bellybuttons that everybody’s got one, what is your favorite excuse for getting out of a household chore.  Mine for getting out of dishes is it’s the kids job, that and it hurts my back to bend over to do the dishes, btw neither of those excuses work, do you have any that do?  

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