Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 30 streets

I think that La Crosse has the cleanest streets in the world, for a day or two.  We have street sweepers out cleaning our streets in fact they came through my neighborhood yesterday at the same time I had some people parked in front of my house.  So I should rephrase what I said, La Crosse has the cleanest streets in the world except in front of my house.  Funny this is exactly what happened last year also, the street sweeper made the trek through when there were people parked in front of my house too.  The rest of the street looks great, at my house not so great.  The funny thing is by the time I got home the entire street was clear of cars, but too late.  Have you had to make the drive up by the mall yesterday?  I went out there last night at about 5 I think cause I am a glutton for punishment.  Wow is it a mess.  If you can avoid the mall area by car for the next bit I would. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 29 neighborhoods

I am lucky I have neighbors that I really like, we for the most part get along and look after each other.  As with every group there are a few bad apples but for what its worth pretty good.  We had some renters move in across the street within the past month and the cops have already been over there a few times and the young teens there have been giving the other kids in the neighborhood a hard time, I hope that these hoods do not change the dynamic of the neighborhood.  What’s your biggest neighbor pet peeve? According to a recent survey in “Redbook”, the biggest dispute among neighbors is over parking, the playing of loud music, barking dogs, and garbage.   Is your neighborhood what you would like it to be?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 26 opening plastic wrap

Why is it so hard to open up packages?  I worked on getting a new pack of gum open this morning for a couple minutes before I finally broke down and grabbed a scissors and used that to open it up.  I am lucky I didn’t grab a knife as the scissors slipped a bit and if I would have used a knife I for sure would have severed something.  It got me thinking, since when do we need to have Fort Knox guarding our gum or for that matter cereal.  Have you ever tried to open the wrapping that is in the box of a brand new box of cereal, you stretch the plastic before your thumb finally gets a small whole in the bag then you use your magic to make it big enough to pour cereal through that whole.  What about chips you try to open those by pulling the bag apart at the top and chances are you will pull the bag apart.  Now don’t even get me started on the molded plastic wrap on new electronics and the hell that is the wrapping on kids toys that’s enough to send you to the garage for a hammer. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 25 Take your daughters and sons to work

Take your daughter to work day has been around since 1993 and has been called take your Daughters and Sons to work day since 2003.  I have been a father for almost 18 years and have never had one of my children ask me if they could come to work with me for that day, that is until this year.  My daughter asked if she could come and spend the day with Dad.  I ran it through my boss and am excited to say that my daughter and her twin brother have joined me on starting at the radio station bright and early today.  It was weird I was a bit nervous going to bed last night, kind of like when I have a big interview planned for the next morning, kind of tossing and turning and double then triple checking the alarm.  Here are two kids that I talk with every day and I was nervous I would over sleep and not make it in to work on time.  Weird since I have been in the radio business and working at the crack of dawn for almost 20 years and have only over slept once and have been late to be on the air once, as I sit here writing my daily dose, I began to wonder why I kept tossing and turning.  It’s because my guests this morning are 2 of the most important people in my life and I don’t want to disappoint.  If you are lucky enough to bring your child to work today or any day, enjoy and remember that they really do look up to you and love you.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Reality Tv April 24

Reality tv.  Is it truly reality?  I have seen a few of the so called reality programs and there is no way that these people are really this way.  How can you be that hard partying or that you name it for that long?  I am guessing that many of these so called reality programs are stories that are pieced together from many, many days and multiple weeks’ worth of shooting.  Have you ever noticed that many of the characters wear the same clothing all the time?  This is so they can piece the different stories together.  I do get a kick out of the Duck Dynasty guys but there are definitely set up experiences.  I like to watch the Undercover Boss show, but come on why would someone do such stupid things first of all infront of a camera and secondly pour your heart out to someone you just met.  I don’t think these programs are reality tv but maybe scripted mayhem. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Word smith I am not..... Shakespeare however is

Daily Dose of BS April 23 eye for eye

The big question plaguing my thoughts today is an eye for an eye or is it turn the other cheek?  The Boston Marathon bombing has me questioning my stance on the death penalty.  I wasn’t sure where I stood before but I am really not sure.  At first I was thinking I lean toward the death penalty because of the cost associated with keeping this criminal in prison then I in the same thought think, death is too good and too quick.  I really dislike being on the fence on this issue, it should be an easy answer, as my friends who like to quote the bible like to say if  its in the bible then that is the answer sometimes it isn’t so easy, isn’t both and eye for and eye and turn the other cheek in the bible?  Is your justice based on justice or is it based on revenge?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 22 mp3's and movies

A few things on my mind today, yesterday while working on cleaning the garage for my oldest sons graduation party I did something that I have never done before I got rid of lots of cassettes. Music has always been the soundtrack of our lives the trigger that brings memories flooding in, and since I got rid of all my old cassettes, all those memories that can never be played again. Kids now a days have no idea about b sides or stretched tapes or the 4th song on the album or cassette. I am guessing lots of great music never gets listened to with all music as mp3's. Last night I brought my kids to see the movie 42 what a great movie, it is hard to believe that such a short time ago that blacks were treated so poorly. I hope and pray that someday we can ALL get along and all have equal rights, I look at the gay marriage issue and hope that this too will be something that our kids look at in the future and think what took so long for this to be solved. And finally when is this rainy cool weather going to go away, having snow yesterday and puddles today made for wet feet and I really dislike wet feet.
Daily Dose of BS weekdays on 1490 and Magic 105

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Old People texting

Young people have theirs, now Seniors have their own texting codes:

* ATD - At the Doctor's

* BFF - Best Friends Funeral

* BTW - Bring the Wheelchair

* BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth

* CBM - Covered by Medicare

* CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center

* DWI - Driving While Incontinent

* FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

* GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low

* GHA - Got Heartburn Again

* HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement

* LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out

* LOL - Living on Lipitor

* OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas

* TOT - Texting on Toilet

* WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?

Hope these help.
* GGLKI (Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In!)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 19 Cameras

I was not a big fan of the cameras going in downtown, I understand why they were going to go in and didn’t have a problem with them, but I wasn’t a fan.  I am now a fan.  I think I am a big fan of the cameras going in downtown now, and mostly because of what has unfolded this week with the bombings in Boston.  You look at how quickly these two men were identified and how swiftly the authorities are taking care of this problem.  I am not a fan of big brother but if you think about all of the things that we do, there is a thread of pretty much everything that we are doing every day from getting gas at your friendly neighborhood gas station to a gallon of milk at the grocery store there are records of us at each place, there are also hidden cameras and surveillance cameras all over the place.  I guess it is good that we live in Wisconsin so we can always walk around and say cheese.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 17 Heroes

They do walk among us, the unsung heroes who in the face of danger run towards the issue rather than away.  We saw this in full force on Monday as the cowards who caused the bombing at the Boston Marathon, the 3 deaths, the dozens of injured, the millions of Americans who are now questioning their own safety.  Think about how lucky we are to be among the everyday heroes who looked past the danger and saw people in need and took action.  I am not sure how I would react in such a situation, I would like to think that I would be a helper but I hope and pray that we never have to find out.  For those of you heroes both professional and situational, that are out there, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 16 Boston

Bastards whomever is in charge of the cowardly bombing in Boston here is some words for you, make a fist with both your right and left hands now start punching yourself in the face.  What were you thinking?  Why would you do such a horrible act on innocent bystanders?  The sidewalks were paved with the blood of innocence.  The photos of the runners being pushed away in wheelchairs with exposed bone churned my guts.  Domestic terrorism there is a special place in hell for those responsible.   

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 11 Vegas

I know some of my faults I don’t think that anyone knows all of them.  I am going to be conquering some of them this weekend.  I am not good by myself, I thrive on people and like to be around people, that I know.  I will be taking a trip with a friend of mine this weekend to one of the cities that never sleeps.  I always assumed that were I was going was the city but a quick google search showed me that New York is the first preferred.  I am going to Vegas with a buddy that is meeting up with his siblings for get together.  The weird part for me is that another couple of people were going to go and they ended up not being able to go, so I will be exploring the city mostly by myself.  Any tips on doing Las Vegas?  Another thing I am going to have a hard time with is the “What Happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” mantra, cause I like to talk.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 10 daydreaming

Ok I am guilty of it, and it is shown to be worse than texting and driving.  New research show that it’s five times to do while driving than texting or talking on your phone.  And I bet that you do it every day either at work or while driving, in your free time it is something that each and every kid does and most adults.  They say that 62% of distracted driving accidents and are caused by it while 12% of distracted driving accidents are caused by texting.  The big distraction, is something you would never even think about being a problem.  The distraction is day dreaming.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 9 insurance companies

I hate insurance companies….they think they rule the world.  Oh yea they do.  If the insurance company says to jump you work hard to try to jump however high they want you to jump.  If they say to stop eating green m&m’s by gosh and by golly you are going to quit eating those green m&m’s except for an occasional handful on the 3rd Saturday of the month when you’re out with your buddies.  They tell you that you need to exercise you get the membership at the gym, just so you know just getting the membership isn’t good enough you should go to the gym.   Insurance companies rule the world in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if what I am about to write next won't be edited by some insurance company, the secret to  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 8 words

People judge you by the words you use.  There is no avoiding it, but there is changing it.  I was out for a birthday party on Friday and found out that a couple of my friends hate a few words from the English language.  I would have thought that these words were going to be reminiscent of the old George Carlin routine you know the seven words you can't say on TV, but no the words that they had issue with included one that is a marketing tool for Betty Crocker the word moist which incidentally is one of the least favorite words out there, and the other word these friends of mine had an issue with was the word panties, and they weren’t even brought up together.  I wonder if they were compounded if they would have more of a revolting reaction?  This conversation made me think, I know that is a chore in its self and I really do not think that there are any words that conger up the feelings of disgust that these friends of mine felt by hearing the words mentioned above, I don’t care for slang words for any groups of people, I am not a fan of labels that people place on people but they are words, and I always remember my mom telling me that sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.  What words do you dislike?  

Friday, April 5, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 5 monopoly

It is weird for me to think that a company that once ruled the computer world is being forecast to be obsolete by 2017.  The reason that the report says that Microsoft will be obsolete by then started when governments from around the world complained that it was too big a monopoly about a half decade ago, now there are a few open source internet browsers such as Firefox and my favorite Google Chrome they are better and faster and free. As a result, millions of computer users changed software and started to change their computer habits. The latest computers don't need to run the new Windows operating system. Today, most people are satisfied with their current version of windows, I have 7 on my machines and have no desire or need to upgrade.  I don’t understand how a business that was once at the top of its game was broken up by the government and then allowed another company to come in and start their monopoly.  Oh wait this happens all too often.  Do you think that we need to bust the monopolies or accept them for what they are?

Thursday, April 4, 2013


The concentration of wealth in the finance industry has spawned a boom in high-end services, from chefs to chauffeurs, from kids’ soccer tutors to standardized test gurus. Now the bull market has given rise to expensive ‘babysitters’ to keep high-powered adults out of trouble. Investment bankers, attorneys, and other professionals are now shelling out up to $1,900-a-day to employ a 24/7 ‘Sober Companion’, a live-in coach who spends every waking minute making sure the client doesn’t use drugs or alcohol. That means commuting to work with the client, sitting in on boardroom meetings, and even taking a seat at family dinner.

Daily Dose of BS April 4 excuses

There are a lot of jobs around the house that we hate doing, I for one hate doing dishes, I despise doing dishes.  I did it for a job while I was in high school and hated it then, I did it as a chore when I was a kid and that is where my hate for dishes began.  I got stuck doing them cause I was the oldest kid in the family, my brothers got off easy by either clearing off the table or putting away the dishes.  My kids have it easy and they complain about having to either load or unload the dishes.  Wow.  My parents used to always say that excuses are like bellybuttons that everybody’s got one, what is your favorite excuse for getting out of a household chore.  Mine for getting out of dishes is it’s the kids job, that and it hurts my back to bend over to do the dishes, btw neither of those excuses work, do you have any that do?  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 3 brush with greatness

The world is much smaller and keeps getting smaller by the day.  We are addicted to the shows TMZ, and want to know what this celebrity is up to or that celebrity.  We are world travelers and not afraid to invade someone’s personal space.  With that being said, have you ever met anyone famous, and if so who?  I was a guest of the Milwaukee Brewers back when Miller Park first opened up and was on a tour of the new stadium with my family when Sammy Sosa walked by us, and I turned to my kids and said there is Sammy Sosa, I got the look from the tour guide.  I have had the chance to meet many bands and politicians over the radio career but the one who stands out most was when I got to be on stage with the President of the United States, that was a surreal experience.  Bill Clinton had the crowed eating out of his hands.  My buddies son got married a few years ago and one of the family friends was another Billy, remember Billy Hayes, the guy the movie Midnight Express was based on?  Hearing his story from him was pretty cool.  Have you ever been around greatness?  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 2 vote today

I know I keep beating the drum of vote, vote, vote but it is important.  I know in Wisconsin we have had an unprecedented number of elections in the past 18 months but, the ability to cast a vote is a privilege that is opened to most people over the age of 18.  The sad thing is that so few people take the time to go to their polling place to exercise their right to vote.  When the United States was founded only a select number of white men were able to vote, we all need to exercise our voice to be heard.  Today is the non-partisan Election Day in Wisconsin.  We get to vote for mayors, city council, Supreme Court, and many other local issues, and seats.  Please take the time today to help to write history.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Daily Dose of BS April 1 april fools day

Lots of great April fools jokes out there from the hey Dad you dropped your pocket, one that I have fallen for many times over the past 17 years to the infamous bag over the phone so that the phone company can blow out the lines.  When I was going to radio school 25 years ago they were talking about this guy Brucie Bumchuckles and how he got people to put a bag over their phones so that they could blow out the phone lines, I wish I would have been here for that.  I did have the chance to talk to Brucie about this years later.   What are some of the best April fools jokes that you have heard of?