We all have a dream job, a job that we have always wanted to do, your rock star job if you will. When I grew up I wanted to be one of 3 things, and I am doing one of those three jobs today. I wonder how many people actually do what it is that they wanted to do as a child? I found the right job for me early as I have been in the radio business since 1988, in fact I recall having conversation with my Dad about 15 years ago when we went out for breakfast after one of my shifts when he looked me in the eye and said Bob I am glad you found radio because your mother and I had no idea what you were going to do with your life. I have taken a few breaks thinking maybe I wanted to try something else, but the gravitational pull of radio was just too much. I look forward to my job each and every day as it is different every single day. You really have to love what you do to get up and be to work by 5am. Here’s hoping that you have the job, no career that you always wanted.
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