Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Daily Dose of BS May 30

In Wisconsin we are facing the recall of our Governor Scott Walker, the man who faced him in the 2010 gubernatorial election Tom Barrett is facing Mr Walker once again.  The polls show Walker leading Barrett by a margin of 50 to 45 percent.  There was a ton of effort going into this recall election from the people who stood on street corners collecting signatures for the recall, to yard signs, to door knockers, and automated robo calls, to people standing and picketing at different events, lots of time, effort and tons of money spent on political advertising.  Don’t you think that this is over kill?  If there would have been this much effort put forth the first time around that this would not be taking place today.  In the general election there was a turnout of less than 50% they are expecting between 60-70% out to the polls this coming Tuesday.  60-70% this is a lot of people but still not all the people who are eligible to vote.  Don’t you think that only the people who voted in the first election should be allowed to vote in the recall?  If you were too busy to be bothered the first time around why should you get a do over?  If you are not happy with the turn out of this election or any election maybe you should have helped with the original outcome and gone to the polling place and voted in November of 2010.  If the outcome comes back not the way you wanted this time around are you going to want another recall?  A recall of the recall?  This of course is tongue in cheek, but I am sure I have ticked off quite a few and they didn’t make it down here.  I think that you have every right in the world to vote, it is your right as an American.  Please take your responsibility to go to the polls on June 5th and at every election after, don’t just make the exception to vote at this election because you either weren’t happy with the candidate or situation, please get out and vote in every election.  

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