Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daily Dose of BS April 17

Procrastination.  We all do it, some better than others.  I for one am great at it, I have a list of things to do this long and it is growing by leaps and bounds daily.  I don’t know why everyone feeds into it from Moms, and Dads to bosses to the US Government.  The Government you ask, yes and here is why, I understand setting a date for filing our taxes, I get it that people will wait until the final possible minute to do their taxes, but if tax day were say on the 2nd Tuesday or Wednesday of the month of April it would make more since that way there is no weekend or holiday in the way and no Tuesday or Wednesday holiday that I can think of since most of the date exclusive holidays are mostly religious holidays that we get in trouble for saying Happy this or Merry that to anyway.  I hope I don’t end up being bullied into not saying Happy or Merry holiday in the future, I don’t think I will.  You know I have to write these Daily Dose of BS’s every day, what was the point of this one?  I will have to let you know some other day.  Happy Tax Day.   

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