Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 27

I love a nap.  I get up at 4 weekdays for work, and I have four kids, so life happens after 5 quite often.  Every one of my kids is involved in some sort of extra curricular activities, from sports to ccd to work and life.  If I were to not nap I would need to go to bed by 9 every night so I could get my 7 hours of sleep, and if I was the person who needs 8 hours I would have to be in bed by 8, not going to happen as it is still light at 8 for part of the year.  With my life a 9 pm bed time is not possible.  There are days I go to bed by 9 and sometimes earlier but for the most part I push 10 maybe 11 and sometimes midnight.  Naps are important, without a good nap I would walk around in more of a daze than I already do, be zombie like if you will.  A good power nap will refresh and give you a new outlook on life.  I try to take between a 15-30 minute nap daily.  There are a few days that I miss, but for the most part, most of my days involve a nap.  Some are jealous, others think it is lazy, me, I am just glad I don’t have to go to bed at the same time as the neighbors 4 year old kid.   

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