Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 29

Hey could you do me a favor if you are reading this please “like” it I keep hearing from people saying that they read my Daily Dose of BS but never comment.  So if you’re reading this even if you don’t like it please “like” it.  The phenomenon of facebook is just that a phenomenon.  It is how people communicate, get their news, entertaining themselves and also kill time.   Facebook is the world’s biggest website and world’s largest collection of photos.  I spend way too much time updating this or uploading that.  It has also changed how we do our jobs, it has changed our views on things and how we perceive things, when I was growing up my parents taught me to not ask people to be your friends, if it was meant to be it will happen, but every day we get requests from this person and that person to be our friend on facebook.   I bet if you are on facebook that you have poked some people you don’t even know.  I know I have, and it isn’t even the 70’s.  The poking on facebook is harmless but what does it mean?  What does it mean to “poke” someone?  I am I going to get in trouble or get something broken?  Is it ok to poke a co-worker without getting written up, or can I poke a friend without getting in trouble from their spouse or significant other?  And what am I poking with?  Sometimes I am confused and think back to poking my brothers, with a stick.  That got me in trouble.  Has facebook changed your life or perception of life?  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 28

You are not the only one dealing with this problem.  I was talking with another father of boys and he told me I am not alone, pretty soon other parents where chiming in about their kids and I now realize that it is an epidemic.  Kids just don’t pick up after themselves and if they do it is half assed.  How many times have you heard yourself telling your children to pick up that plate or toss that wrapper in the trash only to either find that wrapper on the counter next to the garbage can or even worse how about finding the wrapper on the top of the garbage can lid?  How much extra effort is it to lift the lid and toss your piece of trash into the can?  And if the can is overflowing, take the bag out, put a new one in and set the bag outside, you don’t even need to take it out to the trash, the next person out will.  Kids do your parents a favor and look to see what needs to be done and do it without being asked, and do it right.  As a parent of 4 I do know that this too much to ask.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 27

I love a nap.  I get up at 4 weekdays for work, and I have four kids, so life happens after 5 quite often.  Every one of my kids is involved in some sort of extra curricular activities, from sports to ccd to work and life.  If I were to not nap I would need to go to bed by 9 every night so I could get my 7 hours of sleep, and if I was the person who needs 8 hours I would have to be in bed by 8, not going to happen as it is still light at 8 for part of the year.  With my life a 9 pm bed time is not possible.  There are days I go to bed by 9 and sometimes earlier but for the most part I push 10 maybe 11 and sometimes midnight.  Naps are important, without a good nap I would walk around in more of a daze than I already do, be zombie like if you will.  A good power nap will refresh and give you a new outlook on life.  I try to take between a 15-30 minute nap daily.  There are a few days that I miss, but for the most part, most of my days involve a nap.  Some are jealous, others think it is lazy, me, I am just glad I don’t have to go to bed at the same time as the neighbors 4 year old kid.   

Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 26

According to Wikipedia “abuse is the improper usage or treatment for a bad purpose, often to unfairly or improperly gaining benefit.  Abuse can come in many forms not only physical or verbal, but injury, sexual assault, violation, rape, and many more forms.”  I write this with a heavy heart today as a friend of mine asked me to write about abuse as she is afraid that a friend of hers is being abused.  I have said many times that life is too short for _____ fill in the blank of anything that you don’t like to do.  When you are in an abusive relationship you think that you are alone and that no one out there knows what you are going through. They may not know your specific issues, but there are people out there that do understand and are ready to step in and help you and your kids out of the situation.   In the La Crosse area people from New Horizons Shelter and Women’s Center are available 24 hours a day by calling 608-791-2600 or 888-231-0066 there is information available ( by googling abuse resources and the name of your city)  As we approach April, child abuse prevention awareness month remember you are better than being a verbal or physical punching bag, and there is help available.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 23

We are a society that buys things when we want them whether or not we need them.  If you don’t believe me look in your closet or your junk drawer or garage.  It seems like we are collectors of stuff, junk if you will.   I am just as bad as the next guy.  I remember Christmas when I was a kid, I was excited because of the great hints I dropped to my parents, and then made sure I told Santa, and 9 out of 10 times I would get at least some of what I asked for.  Fast forward 30 years and if I want something I go buy it so when it comes to surprises there really aren’t too many, because of that.  We are buyers, not if we need it but if we want it, this is why we are in the financial problems we are in as a country.  Credit is too readily available for people without the means to pay it back, look at our housing problems and the fact that there are record bankruptcies.  As I remember hearing many times as a kid if you understand interest you earn it if not you pay it.  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 22

The customer is always right.  I heard these words uttered by someone in the office as they were walking past my door.  This was the concept that I have always lived by, even if you thought the customer was wrong, they are right to their face, they could be wrong afterward but to their face they are always right.  I think that businesses often forget these words and the concept of the customer being right is out the door.  I would think as the almighty dollar gets more and more scarce that businesses out there would embrace those words and especially the concept.  I had a dealing with a big company the other day, I called the 800 number on the bill and got sent on a barrage of number pushing prompts, when I finally got to speak with someone, they spoke quiet and being a wearer of hearing aids, it was hard to hear, but the broken English made it all the harder to understand.  I had a question about my bill, it had doubled from the last time I remember seeing it, I am not the bill payer in my house, so when I saw the new double price for same service I was a little perturbed.  I tried to explain my issue and the person on the other end of the line they were rude and kept interrupting.  In my opinion if are taking phone calls for your business, once in a while double check the quality of the people to make sure that they are upholding the mission of your business.  And if you are not happy as a customer switch.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 21

Break a leg, ever wonder what that even means?  According to Wikipedia “People in theatre consider it bad luck to wish an actor good luck, so instead they wish the opposite, by saying "break a leg!” “   The Improv Group I am involved in Sum Assembly Reekwired is having a show tomorrow night at The View on Highway 16 starting at 7:30.  We are going to be playing improv games like the games that they play on the TV show “Whose Line is it Anyway”.  The thing about improv is that the concept of the games is practiced, but you have no idea where it is going to go, every show is different as nothing is scripted.  Which is why improv is an excellent concept for me, because I forget things way too often.  As an Improv’er you learn to take what line or situation is given to you and add to it, sometimes it works and is funny and other times, well you know.  The number one rule in improv is to say yes and, and as in improv yes and works in life and business as well.  Try it sometime, try saying yes and, and add to the conversation, you may be surprised at what results come of it.  If you are looking for a cheap date please join us tomorrow night at The View, and to my fellow improv’ers Break a Leg.  Daily Dose of BS with Bob Schmidt on Magic 105 5:15 weekday afternoons on Magic 105

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 20

My 25th class reunion is coming up August 4th. I had a goal of doing 2 pull ups by then, I have been working on it for a couple of years, going to Snap, and taking boot camp classes. I am sad to say I will not be achieving that goal, but not for lack of trying. Last year I finished 3 5k’s by walking and made the goal this year to finish at least 6. Yesterday was my first step toward accomplishing that goal, I enrolled in a 5k class, a class that trains you in how to jog, or run in a 5k. If you know me I am not built for speed, and am working on the endurance part of it. What we started with last night was a 5 minute walk followed by a 60 second jog then a 90 second walk repeated many times, with a cool down walk. In my mind I was already crossing the finish line, umm no that isn’t what happened. If you want time to stop and the clock to run backward, jog for 60 seconds. I made it through the first minute of jogging and the 90 seconds of walking and about 30 seconds of the next one minute run, and then progressively less as the alternating hell continued. Only 46 days until the LaCrosse Fitness fest and my new found running skills will be put to the test, only 21 more classes before the race. The nice thing about this goal is I know I can walk the 5k but will push to jog toward the finish line, you know the weird thing about it, is I am looking forward to the next class on Wednesday.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 19

The crack of dawn comes early.  I am up by 4 most days for work; this is a big reason why I don’t like getting up early on weekends.  Sleeping in on a weekend is usually no later than 6:37.  Yesterday morning I woke up at 5:30 with a panicky scream and was reaching for the phone to call in late when I was reminded it was Sunday.  I was relieved and must have been tired since I then rolled over and started sawing z’s again and when I finally did roll myself out of bed it was 7:20, 7:20 what am I a teenager?  Never mind my teens sleep till 10 most weekends.  I don’t want to pull the when I was a kid card, but my Dad never let us sleep in any later than 8:30 and that is if we were lucky.  He used to say something like how can you soar with the eagles if you are going to stay up with the turkeys or something like that.  I have been an early riser for much of my adult life, and have been late for work less than 5 times in almost 20 years of morning radio.  Usually I set the alarm listen to the news, then get ready to take on the day.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 16

When it comes to hiring someone to work around your house where do you draw the line? I hate painting, to me it is way worth bringing someone in who likes to do it and wants to do it. The few times that I have painted, I have stories to go with the jobs, for example when I bought my house I was painting the window frames around the screened in porch with barn red paint while up on a ladder I knocked the can off the ladder and splash, up the side of the house, over the screens and all over the deck boards. I admit it I yelled and dropped the word that curls your mothers hair, my neighbor ran out the back door, looked over to see me stewing asked if I was ok and asked me not to say that word again incase his wife heard it. It made sense to me and we were friends from that moment on. Painting to me ranks right up there with, changing oil, picking up dog poo, doing dishes, laundry and the countless other chores that are out there as a home owner. I don’t mind mowing, shoveling snow, cooking or grocery shopping, in fact I like doing these 4 chores, but where is the line and when do you hire out the job, isn’t that what kids are for?

Daily Dose of BS March 15

I was chewing gum yesterday and walking and then chewing gum and driving, talented I know. These are skills that most of us have mastered, I thought I was in the majority but apparently I can not chew gum and drive. When driving yesterday evening to a meeting I was enjoying the intense flavor of 5 rain gum when it happened, I looked away from the windshield and glanced out the side window at a motorcycle when all of a sudden the pain shot up and a tear welled in my eye. I drew blood, thank goodness I am a garlic lover and no vampires were around. The average 3200 psi bite of a human will pierce your lip and hurt like a found lego at night, or a stubbed toe. And once the lip surface is breached, look out ice water, coffee and every little flavorful morsel you indulge in, it will remind you of the unskilled bite you took. You would think a guy my age and my size would know how to chew gum.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 14

I was saddened this morning when I heard that encyclopedia Britannica is calling it quits and focusing on digital rather than hard bound information.  It was the 4th grade Mr Gray was my teacher and encyclopedia was on my spelling list, I can still hear my Dad teaching me how to spell encyclopedia through song it was a song that he was taught when he was a kid and a song he passed on to me and my brothers. Remember it?  It’s the en cyclopedia e-n-c-y-c-l-o-p-e-d-i-a that was a song that was sang around the Schmidt household quite a few times over the years as I had it as a spelling word and so did my brothers.  I bet if you ask them if they remember the song that they remember it as well.  I also really enjoyed reading the encyclopedia especially the year book that my parents purchased every year.  It is too bad that such an icon is gone, but I guess I am partly to blame as I grew up with the World Book Encyclopedia and really enjoyed it but I do not have a set at my house.  What is the next to go the phonebook?  Never mind both the Eagles and Kelly Clarkson sang about the phonebooks fate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 13

I heard on the news this morning that men who indulge in sugary pop or other sugary drinks increase their risk of heart attacks by 20%. I have also heard “If 100 drivers cause auto accidents, and they all ate carrots just prior to those accidents, that does not prove that eating carrots causes auto accidents.” I think you can slant anything, words can be twisted to say what you want, any data collected can be spun into just about anything you want it to say or prove. Do you want proof of that? Your proof is every time you turn on a news channel during an election year. How many sound bites have we heard or seen of a candidate taking the exact same info and make it say exactly what it is that they want it to say. After being in the media for so many years, I am a bit leery of absolutes, as there are very few of them unless of course you are in the liquor store then there are at least 13.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 12

I am lucky to have great neighbors not only in La Crosse but also at the family cabin. I have been lucky my whole life, never have I had the pain in the butt nosey neighbor nor have we had any bickering among the neighbors, if there has been a problem a phone call or conversation has fixed it, rather than a call to the cops, as they have better things to do than to be called for every dog bark or loud radio, ring the door bell, call or text your neighbor. We have no guarantee of who is going to live next door to us, my cabin neighbors probably thought oh great a city boy getting a cabin in the country, I didn’t disappoint I have had to call on my neighbors there as often as I have to call on my neighbors here. I am lucky that we are in the upper midwest and have people who are willing to put down what they are doing to help a neighbor in need. Yesterday for example, my neighbor who lives in La Crosse, went with me to the family cabin and we got my van stuck, I went to the cabin neighbor who was working on his fields to help me get my van unstuck, he did so with out complaint, and wouldn’t take any money either. It wouldn’t have been so bad but this is the 4th time he has helped this city boy out of a jam, and I can’t tell you how many times my La Crosse neighbors have helped me over the years. The more I think about it the more I may be that pain in the butt neighbor. Don’t forget Neighbors Helping Neighbors day coming up April 28th.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 9

Pat Robertson the televangelist said on his tv show that he believes that marijuana should be legalized. I guess that this surprises me, I have thought about this issue quite a few times in the past, and not because I am a pot smoker, because I am not. I think about the money that the government will be able to collect from the taxes on the marijuana and how the people who are in jail now because of it will be off the tax payers bill, not to mention the freed up courts and police time that is spent busting people for selling, buying and possessing the pot. Legalizing pot will help the country’s bottom line. I think if it is made legal that there should be strict laws governing the sales and consumption of the marijuana. I have heard that it is a gateway drug, but have also heard that cigarettes and alcohol are as well, yet both of these are legal. For these reasons I think that this may be something worth looking into. I however will still follow Nancy Regan’s advice and will just say NO.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 8

As a radio guy I have been in my share of parades. When I was first starting out in the business 20+ years ago I hated parades. I rode in many in Scottsbluff Nebraska, and when I moved to La Crosse my boss told me of this parade that was watched by 200,000 people. What? 200,000 people come to watch a parade that is crazy. I didn’t believe it, the end of September came and so did my very first Oktoberfest parade, 19 years ago I was overwhelmed and fascinated by this super long, display of endless local businesses and service organizations marching to the beat of a different drummer, literally, dozens of bands, vehicles and marchers in a seemingly endless parade. Yesterday we heard that Oktoberfest USA would cancel the Mapleleaf Parade if the city requires the group to pay $18,000 in new parade fees. These fees are part of a revenue-generating system adopted by the city to help balance its budget. I am guessing that the city will fold and allow the parade to go on with out the payment of 18 thousand dollars. How many business would be hurt if the parade went away? All the hotels would, the bars would, the restaurants in town would, don’t forget about the businesses that sell party supplies, souvenir sellers, the list goes on. If the city wants to impose some new fees why wait until the last second to throw it on the organization, it could be something proposed for the next year, but this year…leave it alone.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 7

I handed out a bunch of pens at the Family Fest a few weeks ago that had the logo printed on them. At the fest I ran into a friend of mine Jamie who took one and I joked that this would be your new favorite pen, and she said no it wouldn’t and proceeded to tell me about her favorite pen. I was just joking when I said it because who would have a favorite pen? I gave her a hard time saying what does it make you write better, feel more creative, pay off your bills sooner? She answered yes, yes, no. It got me thinking, if there are favorite pens what other favorites could there be, do people have a favorite pencil, pad of paper, paperclip? There was a guy a few years ago from Canada that traded a red paperclip for a house, and documented his quest. I had the chance to talk to the guy and the concept was pretty cool, keep trading up and finally reach your dreams. Back to the favorite thing though, I could see a favorite coffee cup, or place to sit at the table even a favorite pair of jeans, or underwear but a pen? I guess if I really think about it we all have something weird that is our favorite something, what is yours?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 6

It is amazing that a fresh coat of paint can spruce up the messiest of rooms.  We are getting that fresh coat of paint from nature with the melting of the rest of the snow and the budding of the grass and trees, I know we are quite awhile away from the full bloom but just the tease of the new colors brings forth the rejuvenated feelings of spring and what comes with spring, playfulness the joys of being outside and the opening of the windows.  Today we are getting a reprieve from the winter with expected highs of 57, time to turn off the heat and let some outside in.  Hope you have the chance to get some fresh air into your life today.  The deeply inhaled fresh spring air held for a moment deep within your lungs and slowly exhaled will do wonders for the day and the menial problems you have in your life.  The first breaths of spring air opening the passages for at least a relaxing moment, before you are back at reality.  

Monday, March 5, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 5

If you knew that you were going to die in 29 years what would you do differently?  I got an age calculator as an email and it asks 12 questions, 12 questions to your life span kind of weird.  Some of the questions deal with how you eat, your height, weight, and age, how active you are and whether you are a smoker or not, do I ever drink more than 5 drinks in a night?  Am I active for 30 minutes 4 times a week, and a few more questions I don’t remember off the top of my head, but weird that you answer 12 questions and the crystal ball looks in the future to see how much time you have left.  I obviously need to change some things to move that age up from 29 years to 43 years.  I would like to think I am just starting off the 2 half of my life, and if the second half is like the first I better buckle up and hang on for one hell of a ride.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 1

Ever seen anyone pick up a beer bottle with a staw? I can do it, or roll a pool ball under the pool cue that is laying across the table? I am intrigued when someone tells me I can’t do something, I try it anyway. Last night I was watching a show that said you can’t hold an egg in your hand and smash it when using equal pressure all around the egg. My kids tried it so I thought I would I used the same egg that they tried it on and succeeded, they cried foul saying that the egg was cracked so I tried it again and did it, they kept saying you did this wrong dad or you did that wrong, so I videoed myself doing it and you can hear the egg pop, from the pressure of my grip. I was thinking that I was the bmoc, till I got to work this morning and googled it and watched many videos of others who thought they had super powers. They don’t it was a wives tale. I then thought that the eat six saltine crackers in a minute could be done, of course I tried it, I couldn’t do it but again went to youtube and saw it done. When people say it can’t be done some accept that answer - while others of us accept the challenge, which one are you?