We have all done it, made a line in the sand and said I am not going to cross that line. I promise myself I will never do..fill in the blank. I wonder if it is a sign of the times, the society or that we are weak or maybe we make the lines that can’t possibly be kept. There are some that are hard and fast rules that we should not do, but some do. Every day we hear of people who have killed someone or robbed a bank or even embezzled money from you name it work, club, church, school..the list is as long as my arm. When I was young and would get disciplined by my Dad I remember saying I will never yell at my kids. Guess what if you have kids sometimes you yell. Does this make a failure? No way. Sometimes we make the “nevers” in our lives unattainable. If you say you will never lie, speed, kill someone, etc. You can have each of those things happen, at the blink of an eye, with out even realizing you did it. For example kill someone seems the harshest of the 3 I listed, lets say God forbid, someone runs veers their car into your lane to avoid hitting a deer and has a head-on collision with you, not even your fault. The line got moved. As the movie said, maybe we should “Never say Never again”, but instead say I don’t ever plan on doing that.
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