I have been called on the carpet for doing this in the past, and was thinking about it yesterday, and thought I would share it with you. A couple of winters ago my kids picked up a shoveling job, as the Dad they have asked me for a ride to do the job. I obliged and in turn helped them to shovel. I charged them ½ of what they made for the job. I have also made them buy their own shovels and chip in for gas if they are using my mower. I talked about this on the air a few years ago and many listeners came to my side. The split of people were overwhelming tilted to my side. The reason I bring this up this time of year is that with summer on the horizon and kids getting their first mowing jobs, as a parent if your kids are using your equipment, to charge them so that way they know that there is a cost to doing business. You could always save that money for them for a rainy day, or when they ask for money (and you know they will) what do you think? Hit me up with your thoughts bob@wlxr.com
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