Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daily Dose of BS March 10 protests

Top of mind topics include the civil rights movement, the student movement, the anti-War movement, the women’s movement, the gay rights movement, and the environmental movement.  These issues sound about right, don’t they?  They sound like topics pulled from today’s headlines, right.  It is 2015 why are we still seeing color, why does it matter if people want to get married?  Are we sliding back to the 1960’s, it sounds like it, and the list at the top were protests from the 1960’s.  Have we become stagnant as a country?  Are we fighting just to fight?  In the past 50 years we have had both political parties in charge, we have had different thoughts and practices to address these issues, yet we are still fighting the same demons.  Here is an idea, let’s all get along let’s put our problems aside and come up with peaceful solutions.  

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