Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 31

There are a lot of things to talk about today from the travel ban to the amount of people who are so tied up in the political hate to the Len Bias law.  I don’t know where to start.  I think I am going to piss about half off by saying Trump won get over it.  You can’t hate that much, can you?  (So you know if Clinton would have won I would be writing the same thing) The election is over the cards are played and there is no reason to lose friends over the already divided landscape of America.  We should all work on trying to build the bridges of our friends, our families and our communities.  There is a political divided in Washington DC but does there need to be a political divide in La Crosse Wisconsin?  I don’t believe so, we can work toward change instead of protesting everything.  On to the Len Bias law, do you think that the drug dealer should be charged with homicide when someone overdoses on the drug sold?  And if so should it go right up the drug ladder to the top with each person charged with homicide?  And if we do this is it like charging Hersey Chocolate for each person who ends up with diabetes or fat? 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 30 great things

When I turned on my laptop this morning the picture was of a beach somewhere and for a moment I was transformed there then my eyes caught the words that were above the login button it said do great things.  Do Great Things, these are words that we should all strive for each and every day, I don’t always achieve this goal, but in the back of my mind it is something that I try to do.  I do try to do the things that put me in the right frame of mind to at least try to do great things.  I heard a quote quite a while ago saying something like this you don’t see successful people leaving the grocery cart outside the cart coral, and that got me thinking, you really don’t see that.  I guess if you start small and focus you truly can do great things.  

Friday, January 27, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 27 border

Over the past couple days if you heard the news or looked online to any news sites you most likely have heard that the proposal for paying for a fence between the United States and Mexico could possibly be paid for by a 20% tax on Mexican imports, now I know I am not a mathematician or an economist but when I think of that kind of math, one that taxes things being brought in, my mind automatically goes to I am going to have to foot that bill when I buy things that were imported from Mexico.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 26 tv

I like watching tv maybe even love watching tv.  I am finding that more and more there are moments on some sitcoms that push the limits, and I thought I had some pretty liberal limits.  There is lots on the television that push the limits of what should be available to the mass audience.  Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to censor anything or anybody but do you think that there should be censorship on tv?  There are many situations that are shown in tv that make the younger watcher question the reality of what they are seeing.  I recall watching shows with my kids in the room and having one or more ask to explain the situation or the question that arose often was “Is that person a good guy or bad person?”  The lines most certainly are blurred.  What are your thoughts on today’s tv? 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 25 telemarketing

I don’t know about you but I get phone calls just about everyday on my home phone and my cell phone from automated sales people.  I for one am sick of it.  I am on the no call list and I tell the people to take my name off the list, they don’t.   I thought that the government has put into play fines and other punishments for those that push the limits and call your home phone and your personal cell.  Apparently they are not doing anything about it as I still get calls everyday.  Lately they are telling me that they are about my credit card.   Umm not true it is paid off every month.  I am getting so sick of picking up the phone only to say hello twice and then have a good recorded voice tell me oh I’m sorry my headset slipped, and then go into a prerecorded spiel of bs.  It is getting to the point where I don’t even like to answer my phone anymore.  Stop the madness.  I hate telemarketing.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 24 Trump

Cut the guy some slack.  I said it 8 years ago and I will say it when the next administration takes over, give the guy a break.  You never ever stepped into a new job and were wonderful at it.  NEVER.  And add to it the eyes of the world on your every move.  I expect there to be mistakes, and tests pushing the limits of things, as with every new person in every new position.  Being a person who works in the public eye but not nearly as much as the president I know that there are going to be people who like you, and people who hate you.  I had a boss once that told me that you are not nearly as good as your biggest fan and not as bad as your biggest detractor, you are somewhere in the middle.  Give the man a break for the first few weeks, he is going to make some mistakes, we all do when we start out on a job.  I will however give one suggestion to the new administration, don’t lie to us, we and by we I mean Americans are pretty smart and can take a lot, however, lying isn’t an easily forgiven crime.  

Monday, January 23, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 23 swearing at work

I read in the La Crosse Tribune yesterday, an article, that says swearing is just fine in the workplace.  I don’t know about your work place but at mine it is considered unacceptable.  Don’t get me wrong there is swearing that goes on at work, and sometimes it happens on the air, hell sometimes I even slip, but the words that are said on the air are the G or the PG of the swear words.  I have accidently said Schmidt on a shingle when talking about favorite breakfast foods, and one time when I was first in radio I let the granddaddy of all swear words slip off mike and far enough away but still it made an impression to not say that word in the studio.  Words really are important and help people to decide if they want to listen to you.  There are even some studies out there that say it is ok to swear and when you do you are above average intelligence. (as a person who knows my way around the swear word I am not sure I believe this, But)  http://thefreethoughtproject.com/studies-swear-messy-intelligence/  When it comes to words, I don’t care for slang words for any group of people, I am not a fan of labels that people place on people, we have to remember they are words, and my mom always said that sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.  What words do you dislike?  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 20 Trump

I have heard he is not my president most of my life, I seem to recall when I started getting politically educated that even back in the 80’s people used to say he’s not my president.  I have to disagree with you, he is our president.  Whomever gets elected and then sworn in as the commander in chief is indeed your president.  You may not agree with much of what that person stands for but that elected person is your president.  With that being said, today marks the swearing in of our 45th president and you bet there are many protesting, demonstrating and marching in Washington DC and around the country.  But on the other hand there are many cheering, celebrating and rejoicing as Donald Trump gets sworn in.  I am unsure of how things are going to go under a Trump administration but as with any change at the top there will be some shake up and some uncertainty.  I wish for nothing but the best for all in politics, as I do not want our country to fail.  God Bless America. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 19 stamps

I can remember when it cost 14 cents to mail a letter either next door or across the country.  I recall walking to school through a parking lot when that thought hit me.  I have no idea why I remember that exact moment and who knows if it even is a real thought but I can vividly picture thinking it is only 14 cents to mail a letter and I am walking to school.  Like I said I was a weird child.  The reason I bring up the cost of stamps is if you are a saver and want to save some money before the big hike, you better purchase your stamps before the big hike on Sunday.  We are going back up to the 49 cents per stamp that we saw in 2014.   For some reason the price of a stamp went down to 47 cents in April of last year now returning to the 49 cents from before, I still think that the price of travel for our cards and letters is cheap.  If you want to save that 4% you better head to the post office before Sunday and buy your forever stamps.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 18 stolen tires

I have always thought of La Crosse, Wisconsin as a safe place to live, low crime, low murder rate, good people.  Imagine my surprise when on Tuesday I heard from a co-worker that someone stole the four tires and rims right off her car.  I immediately thought that she has to have a cool car with super expensive tires and rims, it has to be the case right.  Wrong, someone stole the 4 tires and rims off a 2003 Toyota Corolla.  Who the hell steals the tires off a car to begin with?  But a Toyota Corolla?   What the?  The car was in her alley behind her house.  If this would have happened to my car my neighbors would have been awaked by me yelling.  This isn’t Chicago, or New York but La Crosse, Wisconsin who the hell steals the tires off a car?  By the way if you are missing a couple of car jacks I know where they are, contact me for that information, better yet call the La Crosse Police, I am sure that they would like to talk with you. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 17 ice skaing on street

A weird thing happened in La Crosse, we had an ice storm like one that I have never seen in my 48 years.  I glanced out the front window about 4 yesterday afternoon and noticed that the street in front of my house was sheer ice.  I mentioned it to my son who asked if he could go out and skate on it, I said no so he went and slid on the ice with his shoes on.  When his brother got home he had a pair of his old skates on and said I’m going skating on the street and his brother then piped up saying me too, they grabbed their skates, I videoed them on my phone uploaded to Facebook and by this morning over a half a million people have seen the video, my kids were pretty pumped last night constantly giving us updates on how many people have seen the video, a friend of mine said it was on the national news.  Crazy.  

Monday, January 16, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 16 gps

Over the weekend I wanted to go to a funeral to pay my last respects.  I found the address of this rural church and proceeded to go to google maps to find the driving directions, using the gps on my phone to navigate me to the rural church.  I didn’t make it to the funeral heck I couldn’t even find the church.  I have heard how people have had bad luck with the different maps out there and how gps units have told people to turn down wrong streets, but this is the first time I have experienced it where it had me miles away from my true destination.  Needless to say I missed the wake and the funeral, instead of getting upset about missing these events, we decided to explore some of the small towns we went through.  Not really what was planned for Saturday but wasn’t the worst thing going either.  

Friday, January 13, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 13 Buck and Aikman

Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are Fox broadcasting number one broadcast team.  Some Packer fans are not happy with the duo calling the Packer games.  As a Packer fan I say to those fans that are complaining about having Buck and Aikman calling the games to get over it.  I personally like to watch the games when these guys are calling the games, and in fact don’t like when we get stuck with another broadcast duo.  At least when I am watching the Packers on Fox I know what I am going to get, when they move the games to a Sunday, Thursday or Monday night I don’t know who is going to be calling it, and not sure if I will even be able to watch the game since I don’t have cable.  I think that the 24 thousand fans who signed the petition to get Buck and Aikman off the Packers broadcast have it wrong.  If you want to not hear what they have to say, either turn down your tv and listen to the game on the radio or go to the game yourself and see the action.  I say keep Buck and Aikman.  Go Pack Go!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 12 netflix cheating

Infidelity, the cheating spouse, it isn’t what it seems.  It didn’t mean anything.  I really only enjoy it when it is us.  It won’t happen again, I promise.  But the draw is there and the lines have been drawn in the sand.  You are home alone and that urge gets you, you are weak, you can fight her power, you can fight her draw, you can – never mind only one more time, yeah right.  The TV is already on and you have Netflix turned on and you have already started watching the show you and your spouse were watching together.  That draw is real, I feel it on a fairly regular basis, I am home alone often and the tv is on, and sometimes, I can’t help myself I want to only watch one episode, just one she will never know, but guess what she will.  It isn’t worth it, you can watch these shows together.  Speaking of Netflix cheating, what services do you have besides Netflix?  I also have Hulu and Amazon prime, and we just are finishing up Agent X.  What shows are you currently watching? 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 11 presidential

As we are getting ready to turn the page on American history as we say good bye to the first African American President and hello to a president who has had no background in politics except for donating to campaigns and parties to get things done for his businesses.  Are we ready to look back at the last eight years and think about the good and the bad?  I can honestly say that in the Obama presidency that I have had my career worst day and my career worst day.  I have seen the stock market make money and lose money, I have seen people at the top of their game and people at their worst.  There have been times that I wondered what the heck is going on and then how cool is this.  I guess what I am trying to say is that even though one President is getting ready to step aside, a person who if you remember was a pot stirrer and another person who is a pot stirrer getting ready to take over, that we are better off than we were 8 years ago, I worried about the next 4 years, no not at all.  Because we always find a way to persevere, a way to succeed, and always find a way to show the strength of our country.  God bless America. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 10 follow through

What ever happened to follow through?  I bought a Santa beard and hair back in November from the world’s biggest box store.  I looked locally.  Couldn’t find it.  Long story short I got some hair but it was a Mrs. Claus hair set.  What the heck am I supposed to do with that?  I immediately contacted the company to try to get my hair problem taken care of.  Here it is 3 weeks after Christmas and I still have not got closure on this.  I did talk via email to at least 4 customer service people the person before yesterday’s conversation said yes they saw the mistake and yes I will be getting a refund in 5 to 7 days I waited 9 days before I contacted them again, yesterday’s person said to me I need to call the customer service number.  I didn’t have time to do that yesterday, but why have I had to jump through so many hoops for a 42-dollar refund?  At this point it is the principle of the thing.  I just always thought that when you tell someone you are going to do something you follow through with it.  

Monday, January 9, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 9 racism

Racism is alive in 2017.  By now we have all seen the video of the 4 black suspects holding a young mentally challenged white man for hours while broadcasting it live on Facebook.  I have heard this act called a hate crime and I agree.  If any group of people pick on someone other than the group doing the picking it is bullying or hate.  I get good natured ribbing, I do it myself in group of friends, heck we sometimes go over the line, but at no time have I ever physically attacked anyone, if I did I would expect to be charged with a crime and if I were saying to them at the same time pointing out why I disliked them and all their differences I would expect to also be charged with a hate crime.  We are in 2017 and  by now you would think that we would like each other or at least get along with each other. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 6 roundabouts

Prior to this morning I was gung ho about the new roundabouts here in Onalaska.  I have been driving thought them effortlessly over the past few months since highway 35 has re-opened, in fact I had conversation with someone from the Wisconsin DOT yesterday about a completely unrelated item and mentioned to him how I thought that the roundabouts were not that big a deal driving though.  Guess what I spoke to soon.  On my drive into work this morning I had to slam on my breaks and hit my horn narrowly avoiding an accident as the guy heading south on highway 35 must have either been in lala land or not paying attention or he had the whole panic what do I do attitude, I know I will just plow through and hope that the smaller vehicle stops to avoid hitting me.  Either way I am guessing it is going to take me a few more weeks before I am comfortable traveling though the roundabouts again. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 5 Alexa

We have been inundated this winter with commercials for the Alexa from Amazon.  I ended up getting one as a gift for Christmas and I’ll tell you what it is pretty cool.  Ask it the question Alexa what is the weather and in her sultry computer voice she says the weather today in Lay Crosse is then she continues with the forecast.  Ask her to tell you a joke and you hear one of the cheesiest jokes you would ever hear, Alexa, do you want to go on a date? I like our relationship the way it is.  I have been having fun with her.  There is a concern now with Alexa always listening and the question is what does she hear?  Alexa is always on and always listening, can she incriminate you?  Also when are they going to roll out the Alexa that can do dishes and laundry?  I already have a house full of people that don’t like doing those chores. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 4 exit 3

The state of Wisconsin just spent millions of dollars re doing the I 90 bridge over highway 35 and now it will be worked on again with big changes for the Exit 3 traffic design.  More stoplights will be added, some business entrances will be moved, some businesses will be moved, there will also be an eagle viewing area and trails added along the Black River.  The transition will be to give the area a new urban feel.  The dot will be getting rid of the cloverleaf loop, being replaced with diamond configurations and controlled intersections, slowing traffic.  There will be added medians, on Rose and West George streets blocking left turns requiring vehicles to travel new roads to gain entrance to existing businesses.  I drive this twice daily and something needs to be done.  I am shocked that it has taken this long to do so.  My biggest complaint is why did it take a couple of steps to get it done, why not do it when the whole thing was tore up over the past few years instead of finishing one project then making a whole new project.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 3 resolutions

Did you set up your yearly lie? We are on day 3 of 2017 have you stuck to it so far?  Lots of us start the year ready for failure. How often have you said to yourself this is the year I am going to...it doesn't matter what the ... is since many of us have filled in the blank with some unrealistic goals. Like this year I am going to Start Exercising, Eat Better, Spend More Time with Family & Friends, Quit Smoking, Enjoy Life More, Quit Drinking, Get Out of Debt, Learn Something New, Have a positive frame of mind, Be Real, Think to the future, Smile more often, Respond to all emails in a timely fashion, or do things for me.  I am not buying that in your mind you think you are going to do those things, but lets get real. How often have you made those little promises to yourself?  To make your resolution better obtainable I would make it realistic, plan ahead, reward yourself, talk about it, remember that most people think that if you make a mistake that you've blown it...use your setbacks as a stepping stone or a learning experience.  Don't beat yourself up and understand that you will have set backs...it is not the end of the world to take a step back when your eye is on the end goal...basically quit lying to yourself and set realistic goals and have a plan of attack.  Good luck in your endeavor to become a better person.