I grew up in Roseville, a suburb in the Twin Cities and in my
neighborhood there were no sidewalks.
Since my formative years I have lived in 3 different states and 4
different communities in every one of these other communities there have been
sidewalks, I have complained about my front sidewalk only a few times, usually
after a heavy snow fall or when my wife suggests that I do the edging,
otherwise I am a fan. I think that
sidewalks are the great neighborhood unifier, hear me out. When you decide to go for a walk you head out
to the sidewalk, there are others around walking, you see your neighbors, you
say hi. Life is grand, why because of a
sidewalk. La Crosse is continuing to
invest in the neighborhood concept with the possibility of up to 12 new
sidewalks. Let’s all converge on the
cities sidewalks.
Join me weekdays on the radio mornings on Today's Talk 1490 and afternoons on Magic 105
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 22 transportation
I have only been in a cab about 10 times in my life, I have
never taken an Uber ride, and public transportation isn’t taken too much. If I lived in a big city I believe that I would
use the above more often, however working at 5am when the busses aren’t even
out of the bus corral is a huge hindrance for me. When it comes to cabbing it I have done so
when I have flown into big cities. The last
time I took a cab was a few years ago when it cost my brother and I $250 to cab
it from San Francisco to his home in Livermore, because we missed the train
back. I guess I bring this all up
because we put a lot of trust into people we don’t know to get us from place to
place. Uber has been making a splash
making news with problems that drivers have.
Do you trust an Uber driver or a taxi driver to get you there
Friday, February 19, 2016
Daiy Dose of BS Feb 19 songs
We all have those special songs, the ones that get you up
and off the couch, gets you in the mood for action, the Rocky song if you
will. For me I like a lot of the old
school Beastie Boys, Pantera’s Walk, Kiss’ Cold Gin, and just about anything
from System of a Down. What are your
Rocky songs? Speaking of music have you
ever had that song or jingle roll through your head at the moment you are ready
to sleep, talk to someone, close a sale or just about any other activity? There has been the same couple of songs going
through my head over the past few days.
I don’t know why but that Taylor Swift song we are never ever getting
back together keeps rolling through my head at the weirdest times, its weird
cause I think that is the only part of the song that I know and it’s like on a
loop. UGGH stop the madness. These types of songs are called earworms. What are some of the songs that are the earworms
for you? For me these types of songs are enough to give you heartburn, I know a
relief, plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Daily Dose of BS feb 18 privacy
I have always been under the assumption that nothing that I text,
email, or look at on the internet is private, that someone can always go back
and check it out, someone locally or remotely.
I have come to the realization that our information is out there, just
hanging in midair being ready to be plucked when they want it, and I am not
even sure I know who they are. In the
news lately is that the federal government is asking Apple to unlock a phone
that belonged to a terrorist, I always just assumed that the government had the
ability to do this. I wonder if they are
asking Apple out of a ruse that they are pulling over our eyes, claiming that
they cannot get into someone’s phone. In a situation like this, I can honestly say
that I believe that Apple has an obligation to help the government to unlock
this phone, and here is why I think that, first of all the phone is owned by
the shooters employer San Bernardino County and they have given permission and
secondly I still think that all our information is just hanging out for the
picking but most importantly I think that if they could foil some terrorist
plot then it is worth it.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 16 award shows
I have never been a fan of the award shows, none of them
from the one that crowns the Miss, to the ones that have the Actors, to the
biggest musical stars. I have never been
a fan, and guess what that hasn’t changed.
I have worked with people in the past that have had a party for this
show or that show, but for me a no go. I
think it goes back to my childhood and that my folks didn’t watch them and now I
don’t. I also think that it is because even
though I am in radio I don’t know the artist or the songs of the music I like I
am always like you know that one song that goes dum, da, dum, de, de, de drum,
by that group that sang that one other song that I like. Or when it comes to actors it was that guy on
that show with that dog and the funny lady, you know. Then I would get mad if you didn’t know what I
was talking about. And the beauty shows,
don’t get me started, for beauty it is in the eye of the beholder, I think that
all people are beautiful, especially that one, you know.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 15 tipping
We ordered pizza last night for Valentine’s Day because
nothing says happy Valentine’s Day like a heart shaped pizza. We ended up getting 3 pizzas and some bread
sticks, a 4 dollar delivery fee was added to the cost. I still tipped the guy, but is it necessary
to tip a delivery person even when you are already paying for them to drop off
your food? What about tipping at a
buffet? How about any other place that
looks for tips? Maybe what places are
tips a necessity?
Friday, February 12, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 12 valentines day
Love is in the air, Sunday is Valentine’s Day. Funny how
guys think that this is the one time a year to be romantic, the one time a year
to gift flowers, or something special the one time a year - to show our love. Guys, we can be romantic and loving and still
be men ya know. There is nothing wrong with going the extra mile anytime of the
year to say something nice, drop off a little gift or just let your loved one
know you love them - after all a year is 365 days long. For those who are new to this way of thinking,
you still have the weekend to get a special valentine treat, but remember you
have 364 other days to show your love as well. What is the most romantic gesture you have
ever given or received? This year, I am
going to stimulate the local economy and take my wife out for dinner, and maybe
a movie, if not its roller dogs and Netflix.
By the way what’s good on Netflix these days?
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 11 heroin
Do we hand out too much Narcan? Narcan is the drug that reverses the effects
of heroin and other opiates. I have even
heard that as part of the needle exchange at The AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin in La Crosse, that not only are
needles handed out but also Narcan training is available. According to the La Crosse Tribune that in the
first 40 days of 2016 26 doses of Narcan was used on 16 patients. Is handing out a lifeline the right thing to
do? Should there be a certain number of
times you can administer it? I am like
the rest of the community and wonder out loud when the news reports say that
bad heroin has hit the streets wonder isn’t all heroin bad?
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 10 wash hands
I think that bathroom doors in public places should swing
out. Here is the reason why. How often have you been in the bathroom and
the person in the stall next to you flushed opened the door and left the
bathroom without washing their hands? I
find this sickening, I don’t want to touch their filth…this is also the reason
I don’t eat popcorn at bars. I know this
is just another look into the weirdness that is me. I wash my hands every time I use the
restroom, not because I splashed on my hands but because it’s the right thing
to do. No one wants your personal germs
and waste on anything that you touch when you are done, and when you don’t wash
your hands you are spreading germs. Have
a great day and don’t forget to do as the sign says in most public restrooms
employees must wash hands before returning to work.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 9 be seen and heard
I am guilty of it, I think that most of us fail to be
seen. I have a black jacket, I wear blue
jeans and sometimes I have on a dark hat.
It is hard to see people who are wearing dark clothing, especially when
the person walking isn’t paying attention to their surroundings because of
texting or talking on the phone, look where you are going and don’t walk out in
front of someone on the roads, remember your mom taught you that. Speaking of being seen, why is it that so
many people don’t use their fog lights when there is fog, my friend Diane
reached out to me yesterday and said it was hard to see so many of the cars out
there when they are driving around without lights when there is fog, heck turn
on your lights when driving period, it will help you to be seen, I just have to
remember to do it, on two of our vehicles it happens automatically but my
everyday car, not so much. Speaking of
being seen, it is an election year this year, we should practice on being heard
as well.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 8 ID's
Last time I was at the cell phone store I had to sign in and
show my I.D., even though I knew the guy working. Hard to believe but when buying a case of
beer a few weeks ago I had to show my I.D.
I got pulled over a couple of months ago, guess what, I had to show my
I.D. Check writing, which I don’t do
much of but still I.D., get on a plane, rent a car, a hotel room or a house,
you need an I.D. When I bought Sudafed I
needed an I.D. It is pretty clear to me
that you need an I.D. for just about everything you do, oh wait everything but
to vote, that changes this year in Wisconsin.
Do I think it is a bad idea?
No. Why would I? There are people who will complain that
showing an I.D. will stop certain people from voting, now personally I wouldn’t
want that but I did some research and you need to have a photo I.D. to apply
for food stamps, welfare and unemployment.
I am just saying that I would guess that most adults have an I.D. and if
they don’t there are programs out there that will help someone get one.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 5 waffle bowl
This coming Sunday is finally Waffle Bowl Sunday, it is also big game day, a national day of tv, wings, other high calorie tasty treats and lots of alcohol. My family however has a totally different menu when it comes to the big game, it started many, many years ago. At the Schmidt house we have a family tradition of waffles, and sausage on the day when football plays its big game. I remember the year we started it, it was right after reading the Sunday paper I glanced at a glossy newspaper ad that had a waffle maker on the front page, we went to the store and bought it, as a family we have been making waffles every single Waffle Bowl Sunday since. I love Waffle Bowl Sunday, because even if your team isn’t playing in the big game you can still waffle back and forth and enjoy the plays and of course the commercials. I even left a party a few years ago when the Green and Gold was in the waffle bowl to go home to have the breakfast of hotels with my family. Have a great Waffle Bowl Sunday no matter how you spend it and go team go.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 4 cultural sensitivity
Has cultural sensitivity gone too far? There is a school in St Paul that is kissing off
Valentine’s Day and other holidays as a way of being more culturally sensitive
and inclusive. Some of these schools
around the country are teaching our kids to not have any beliefs, how are we
going to raise this generation now if they cannot celebrate holidays, or other
beliefs, I know let’s have a culturally generic celebration 4 times a year,
spring, summer, winter and fall. But we
cannot call it anything because we don’t want someone 50 years or 100 years
down the way to take it away. Heck I am surprised
that we are still able to celebrate our birthdays and that someone hasn’t complained
that it is Johnnies special day today and no one can be special everybody has
to feel the same. Well if that is the
case do you have a sore ankle today because mine is bugging me?
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 3 smile
Ever heard smile and the whole world smiles with you? My mom used to say that to my brothers and I,
there is now some studies out there that support this. These studies show that during conversation
we tend to mimic those around us. I guess
that this makes sense as if you watch a salesperson they will nod and smile
when you are talking with them, inviting you to sign on the dotted line. It works with others as well, note when you
are in a classroom setting or a work event heck even in your own home and
someone is happy you want to smile with them, same goes the other way as well,
if someone is in the room angry they tend to bring the rest of the group down,
it guess what I am trying to say is turn that frown upside down, and make it a
great day.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 2 snow day
Am I the only one that thinks it is weird to cancel school
the night before for the threat of the shoe dropping? I woke this morning to 25 degrees and no
snow, the weird part is every school in our area is closed. Today is ground hog day and I am wondering if
kids want life to be like the movie and relive the no snow – snow day. I haven’t seen that movie in a long time, I should
find it to watch today with the kids. Ever
thought about the history of the first ground hogs day? It dates back to the 18th and 19th
centuries, however the first documented time in America is 1841. I hope that the ground hog sees his shadow,
or is it not sees his shadow. Anyway I am
hoping to enjoy a bit of ground hog at the Moose Lodge later today, the Lions
Club is serving a Ground Hog dinner. All
I gotta say is it is yummy.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Daily Dose of BS Feb 1 trains
When I was a kid I always heard that if you put a penny on a
train track that it could derail a train.
I am not going to lie, as a rebellious teenager I tried it. As soon as we ran away the feeling of guilt
overtook the thrill of doing something bad.
The sudden urge to run back toward the oncoming train to rescue the
Lincoln from the oncoming train, only to be reminded of the almost certain
decapitation of an arm or worse. Thank goodness
that the derailment didn’t happen, in fact a quick google search shows that it
has never happened, but as an adventurous boy it could have. Again, thank God that it didn’t happen. With more trains moving through the country,
there have been more and more derailments there has even been a couple close to
home. Shouldn’t the railroads be
required to make the manifest public as soon as a train jumps the tracks, I for
one would like to know. Especially since
there are tracks about 100 yards from where I work.
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